Portage High School’s course list will include a Computer Science class next year, thanks to a grant from the organization Project Lead the Way.
PHS PLTW teacher John Hruskocy was awarded a grant to attend training this summer to teach a new Computer Science Essentials course, which will be offered to students in grades 9 through 12 in the 2019-2020 school year.
According to Hruskocy, the middle schools’ PLTW programs include a computer science class, and this new course at the high school is meant to bridge the gap between what students learn at the middle school and high school levels. Offering this class also allows the PLTW teachers at the high school to revamp the Computer Science pathway.
There will be no prerequisite for students wanting to take the course next school year. Computer Science Essentials will serve as the foundational course for students wanting to further their studies in Computer Science 1 (Principles) or the Advanced Placement Computer Science course.
According to the PLTW website, Computer Science Essentials “will will expose students to a diverse set of computational thinking concepts, fundamentals, and tools, allowing them to gain understanding and build confidence.”
By the end of the year-long class, the students in the course will be able to use programming and problem-solving skills to create products, such as websites and apps, that address a specific need.
Portage Township Schools is excited about this new opportunity for our students, and we congratulate Mr. Hruskocy on receiving this grant so that he may further his knowledge of this course.