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Thomas Lugo running with the KIA brand at full force

Meet Thomas Lugo - Thomas Kia’s newest team member who’s running out onto the sales team with a fierce start. Lugo is just as passionate about the Kia brand as he is running.

“I’ve been running since I was in sixth grade. It’s something that’s a part of my life,” said Lugo. “Running helps keep me grounded and relieve stress. I’ve ran in the Hot Chocolate 5k, Hub Run, the Turkey Trot, the John Dillinger 5k and several other local 5k’s and half marathons.”

However, Lugo has ran with the KIA brand at full force for the past six months, focusing on the car company’s past, present, and future.

“I’ve done a lot of research on Kia and seeing where the company came from, said Lugo. “From motorcycle and bicycle parts and now to building some amazing vehicles. I really do trust in the brand and our ability to sell a great brand such as Kia.”

Since joining the team at Thomas Kia, Lugo’s training has been focused on becoming a better people person versus a salesperson.

“It’s been a great introduction to car sales,” Lugo said. “I was taught to be a truthful person and you will get good results. Working here is not what I thought it would be like working at a dealership - it’s family oriented and focused on our customers and their experience.”

It’s the motor company’s innovative features and designs that fuel Lugo’s passion for the brand.

“My favorite model would have to be between the Stinger GT and the Cadenza,” said Lugo. “The Stinger is a groundbreaking sportscar for the brand. It’s very fast and well put together. They teamed up with a great motorsport company to build a great car. The Cadenza is just a classy, top-of-the-line car.”

With a thirst for knowledge to sell - Lugo said he’s known sales was the career path he’s always wanted to pursue.

“I’ve always been a good people person and interested in sales,” said Lugo. “During my job search, I decided to take a chance to push the limits when Thomas Kia offered me the opportunity to join their sales team.”

For more information on Thomas Kia of Highland, visit www.thomaskia.com.