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What Do You Love About Valpo?

What do you love about Valpo?

As part of our launch for the new ValpoLife.com, we are looking for your comments, your stories, your photos, videos, or any other bit of information you would like to share, telling us all of the things that you love about the people, organizations, families, and businesses in town.

As part of that process, we have created a group called ValpoLife.com on LinkedIn, where we have had the first few people post their comments about what they happen to love about Valpo.  Whether you email us at the site Contribute , join us and share in the ValpoLife.com group on LinkedIn , or follow our Twitter posts and communicate with us via the ValpoLife.com Twitter Feed , we are eager to hear from you what it is that you love about Valpo!

Read more to see a couple of recent comments that we thought you would enjoy....

"Valpo reminds me so much of the way my HOME city was while growing up. I grew up in Michigan City, went to Elston High School and graduated in '90. Coming here to Valpo reminds me of MC and VHS is SOOOOO much like Elston to me that even tonight after leaving the Gymnastics Regional I thought, this is just like Elston. Except Green and White instead of Red and White" Thomas Quinn, Owner of Thomas Quinn Images

"I love it when people smile back. Even complete strangers in their cars smile at you when turning at stop signs. Things like that just make my day... and my week"  Kristel Messer, Business Coordinator at Ideas in Motion

"One thing that has amazed me is the number of vibrant and expanding churches in Valparaiso. In just the last few years, St. Paul Catholic Church and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church have expanded into new and larger facilities. In addition the Valparaiso Nazarene Church is finishing a substantial expansion project and Christ Lutheran Church is about to begin one in the next few months. Moreover, Bridge Point Church is now using the YMCA building. Although a new facility is only one aspect of a congregation and there are many thriving parishes throughout Valparaiso without large/new building, the fact that so many churches are expanding (and have the donation base to do it) says something amount our community"  Patrick Lyp, Attorney with Blachly, Tabor, Bozik & Hartman

Thanks for your comments Tom, Kristel, and Patrick.  Join in anyone, and share what you love about Valpo!