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My Brand New Car

Well, as many of you know, I have been searching for a new car. This weekend, I found my new car. It is a 2010 magnetic gray Toyota Corolla with almost all the options. It is a huge upgrade from my 1995 Acura Integra that had a cracked sunroof, missing passenger side view mirror, dents, rust, and a hole in the dashboard where my cd player once lived. Kyle had invented for me a small amplifier that sat in my dash that was hooked up to which ever car speakers were still working that I could plug my ipod into. Most of that damage had come over time and thanks to a tree branch falling on my car in a winter storm a few years back. I had to convince people that I was a safe driver as they would nervously step into my car. So what's changing now that I have this beautiful brand new car?

There are many things I love and am getting used to. One is that aesthetically, it is a very sharp car in just the color I wanted. The inside is also comfortable and gives me enough space to drive. It handles wonderfully and I need to keep an eye on the speedometer. In my old car, I knew what 40, 50, 60, 70 all felt like. In this car, I have caught my self on route 30 accidentally going a bit to fast just because the car handles so smoothly that I didn't realize I had sped up that fast. It has keyless entry which has been entertaining to my friends and family as I figured out how to correctly use all the buttons.

With every new car, there are things that you have to get use to and adapt to. As I already mentioned, the keyless entry and smoothness of the ride is just a couple in the car. Here are some others-

  • Automatic Lights- These are pretty cool and exciting, but it took me a few times when I realized my day time lights were on in the early morning, or that when I turn off my car at night, that I don't have to turn off a knob.
  • Steering Wheel- The Acura was more of a four corners steering wheel where it connected at 4 separate points for a box shape in the center. The Corolla has a steering wheel with a triangular center which I am growing on, however, I do occasionally try to grab the wheel at the bottom where I really can't get a hold of it.
  • Working 6 Speaker System- This is so nice. So very nice. My car hasn't had incredibly clear sound for years. With the new system I can actually have windows down driving down the highway, with music at a moderate but far from "loud level; and still hear the music quite well.
  • Gear Shifter- Both of my cars were automatic, but the Acura has the gears in a straight line. The Corolla has them where you have to move the shifter sideways and down which I really enjoy and have gotten use to rather quickly.
  • Having a Passenger Sideview Mirror- "What is that!?" was my first thought as I was driving around and realized I had a passenger sideview mirror and could use it again. It had been maybe a year and a half since I had had one and its nice to have a "complete" car again.
  • Where Did I Park?- I did this for the first time yesterday. I came out of the store and immediately started searching for my Acura. A couple seconds in I realized I was looking for the wrong car. Oh yeah! I have an awesome new car, and it's right there!
  • Higher Ground- The Acura was a low set car. The Corolla is higher up and I notice this especially when I set my arm on the door while I'm driving. It's nice to be a little higher up, just getting use to it.

It was the perfect time to buy a new car as all the incentives were lining up nicely. My parents had a 93 Cadillac that none of us drove that was eligible for the Cash for Clunkers deal which shaved off $4500 off the price, as well as an additional $1000 off for me graduating within 6 months, and a $500 dollar factory incentive rebate. Additionally, you can write it off on your taxes this year as well. With all these benefits, the price was considerably lowered and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a new car.

In my previous blog, I mentioned my last car being named Celia. Well, I spent some time thinking on this car's name and driving with her for awhile to get to know her, and I decided her name is Gwendolyn. Wikipedia explains the name as

"a female first name. It is derived from the Welsh words "gwen" meaning "white", "fair", "blessed" and "dolyn" meaning "ring" or "moon" therefore, the name means "white ring"."

No, she isn't white. She is dark magnetic gray. But the name just seemed right. Further research led me to BehindtheName.com where I also found out "This was the name of a mythical queen of the Britons who defeated her husband in battle, as told by Geoffrey of Monmouth.". But to be fair, the name originally popped in my head from a story in a game where Gwendolyn is a Valkryie and a daughter of Odin; the Norse god. The name has been pretty well received with many of my friends instantly taking a liking to the abbreviated version of Gwen.

My last car was a 1995 meaning I had been driving a 15 year old car. I hope to take care of Gwendolyn and be driving this car for that long if not longer.