Home»Events»January Events»Wings of Healing

Wings of Healing

Event Information

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Tue, Dec 10; 2:30-3:30 pm, St. Catherine Hospital, 4321 Fir Street, East Chicago

The Wings of Healing program allows participants to honor or memorialize a loved one during the holiday season. For a $10 donation, an angel is hung on the Wings of Healing Tree at the hospital. Personalized angel cards are sent to honorees or families to commemorate the event. For a $25 donation, the donor also receives a beautiful angel ornament. All Wings of Healing honorees and memorials are recorded in the official Wings of Healing Book. The donations support St. Catherine Hospital’s scholarship program. Visit comhs.org  and click on "Donate" and St. Catherine Hospital for a donation form or call 219-392-7009. Payroll deduction is available. Please include the attached form with your donation.

St. Catherine Hospital


  • 4321 Fir St.
  • East Chicago, IN 46312