Home»Events»January Events»Social Media 101: Family information night

Social Media 101: Family information night

Social Media 101: Family information night

Event Information

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Portage Township Schools families are invited to join us for Social Media 101 Family Information Night on Wednesday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. Learn about the latest social media apps and what we can all do to keep our children safe online. School officials and local law enforcement will be in attendance to answer your questions. Visit our website at www.portage.k12.in.us to register.

Location: Portage High School West (Door G), 6240 U.S. Highway 6, Portage, IN 46368

To register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8oWvnosZYycA7j0YBYzzntOY-e_NjuCIBPPTxrQANqTnHiQ/viewform

Portage High School


  • 6450 US 6
  • Portage, IN 46368