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Bailly Elem receives Young Citizen Award

Bailly Elem receives Young Citizen Award

Bailly Young Citizen Award: The Duneland Exchange Club recently presented Bailly Elementary fourth grade student Adelyn Booras, center, with the Young Citizenship Award. Also pictured front, left to right, are her brothers Weston Booras, Gideon Booras and Nathan Booras. Back row, Duneland Exchange Club representative and presenter Pam Strudas, her teacher Melissa Cergizan, her father Bobby Booras and brother Justin Booras, Principal Kevin Zeck, her mother Heather Booras and sister Marian Booras. This award is given to a fourth grade student who is an all around good citizen. The club presents this award to one student at each of the five Duneland elementary schools, at the sixth grade level at each of the intermediate schools and at the eighth grade level at Chesterton Middle School.