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A Present From Me To YOU!

Well, another week has gone by which means its a week closer to Christmas and Santa bringing us presents if we've been good this year.

And, if you're someone who is looking to kill some time between now and and the 25th then I have just the thing for you.

What's that, you ask? Why its a ValpoLife video to entertain you for hours (should you choose to replay it over and over again which is highly encouraged so long as you don't neglect your family and work responsibilities too much).

Actually, its better than just a ValpoLife video. Its THREE VALPOLIFE VIDEOS! Handpicked by yours truly for your enjoyment.

The first one is from the Drake Beck, student of the Porter County Career Center, bringing you his silly, but refreshingly funny stop motion animation film.
The Monster Inside

This second video is of our ValpoLife truck getting wrapped to remind you that no matter how may presents you may have to wrap this year, this is much more time consuming and difficult. It makes you appreciate the complexity of the cool things the Steindler Sign guys do and appreciate the simplicity of what you have to do.
ValpoLife.com Truck

And finally, if you haven't seen it by now, you should really check out this video of our Friend James Tudor singing a few Christmas classics to the lyrics of the restoration man.
James Tudor Sings The Classics

Now tell me that didn't bring a big old smile to your face. Until next week, Happy Holidays everyone!

Know of something that would make a great video or an event we should cover?   Submit your video ideas to josh@valpolife.com