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Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. and the City of Hammond Planning and Development present the 34th Annual Volunteer Awards Breakfast

Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. and the City of Hammond Planning and Development present the 34th Annual Volunteer Awards Breakfast

Event Information

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Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. and the City of Hammond Planning and Development present the 34th Annual Volunteer Awards Breakfast on Thursday, October 28, 2021 from 8:00am - 10:00am at the Dynasty Banquet Hall, 4125 Calumet Avenue, Hammond.

For the 34th anniversary edition of the breakfast, the theme is “Volunteers Strengthen Communities”.

Tickets for the event are limited and will be issued on a first-come-first-served basis until October 1.

If you know someone in the community who is a dedicated individual, team or organization/agency and works on a volunteer basis, nominations are being accepted until Friday, September 24, 2021.

There are several categories in which to nominate a deserving volunteer or team of volunteers.

  • Outstanding Adult Volunteer - Individuals who contribute a high quality and quantity of volunteer service that is unique, innovative, and creative.
  • Outstanding Adult Team - Two or more adults who make positive contributions to the community by serving as needed. Being creative and working on projects to make and enhance needs.
  • Outstanding Adult Organization - Organization that is very creative, unique in its delivery and makes positive contributions to the community.
  • Outstanding Youth Volunteer - Youth that gives their time, serves many parts of the community and they actually learn to be better human beings as a part of this experience.
  • Outstanding Youth Team - Two or more youth who make positive contributions and learn in doing so.
  • Outstanding Youth Organization - Youth that work together as an organization. They should have creative ideas and make positive contributions to the community.
  • Advocate for Children - An individual who is dedicated to improving and making life better for children.
  • Outstanding Parent Involvement - Parent or guardian who is supportive of youth and their endeavors. The individual is known by the time he or she contributes and the energy that is promoted through the youth coordination and positive educational movements.
  • Citizen of the Year - A citizen who continually volunteers and cooperates in many projects/activities to improve the quality of life for the residents of our city (individual does not have to reside in the City of Hammond but must be a consistent volunteer)
  • 'Spirit of Hammond' Award - This award recognizes the social revitalization efforts, initiated by one neighborhood organization or non-profit organization that focuses on the social or cultural aspects of the city. In general, these efforts support the spirit of 'Neighborliness' in the City of Hammond.
  • Frank Van Til Lifetime Achievement Award - A company, corporation, or individual that is a consistent die-hard supporter of many projects and activities (this is a one-time award).

Download the nomination form by visiting www.gohammond.com under Latest Events.

For tickets and more information, contact Nancy Kawalski, Social Services Coordinator at (219) 853-6358 extension 2.