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#1StudentNWI: Closing Another Year at Lowell High School

Summer Beginnings

With the beginning of summer, students of LHS were eager for school to let out. The last school day is always a celebration and this year was no different. The seniors used their last day to continue the tradition of the senior prank. This year they arrived at the school early enough to park in the teachers lots instead of their own. They celebrated with a Hawaiian tailgate party among their other graduating peers. Later in the day they participated in their annual senior picnic as a way to say their final goodbyes to their teachers and the peers they had come to know since their first day of kindergarten.

As soon as the final bell of the day rang, students of LHS started their summers in a variety of ways. Many students celebrated with bonfires, parties, and friends. Others began their preparation for college or AP courses in the fall. However, Tucker Malkowski had the opportunity to spend part of his summer touring Ivy League colleges like Yale, Princeton, and Cornell.

“Through my brother, I have been able to learn about different educational experiences, while he is attending an Ivy League University (Cornell). Also, with some research I knew that East Coast schools like the Ivy League ones would be a good fit for me.”

Spring Sports Awards

Not every student was quick to leave, however, spring athletes soon returned to the high school for the spring sports awards. Students involved in track and field, girls tennis, boys golf, softball, and baseball all gathered into the auditorium joined by teammates, coaches, and family.

The awards night allowed hardworking athletes recognition for all they had done during the season. Many students received awards such as sportsmanship, leadership, most improved, most valuable, and recognition for three sport athletes. Some of the most talented and dedicated students even earned their letter, some for the second or third year in a row!


On June 8th, seniors of Lowell High School traded in their title as high school students for their diplomas. When you begin high school, the entire point is to graduate so you can move on to bigger and better things, but when the moment gets there it often becomes bitter sweet. With the future quickly approaching, graduates often see graduation as a time to say goodbye to the peers they have known for more than half their lives. The excitement of the future and the memories of the past are what make this occasion so important.

The 2015 class was led by 5 different valedictorians; Aleks Jovanoski, Kyle Deutsche, Maggie Stinnett, Becca Wasseratt, and Katie Lewendowski. Hailey Goodwin also led the class as salutatorian. The class song, Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfeild, was performed by Lowell’s highest choir, Premiere Distinction.The song encompassed a theme of making your own future and starting a new chapter in your life.

Graduate Brittany Judge described graduating as “the ending of a challenging but rewarding chapter of your life, and the blessing of a new, undiscovered one.” Graduate Katie Stinnett commented; “It’s strange because graduation day wasn’t what it was all about. I still would’ve been as much of a graduate if I hadn’t crossed that stage. The things that made me the person I am all came before.”

There are endless possibilities to what our young minds can achieve. Graduation makes four years of sports, clubs, homework, and friendships worthwhile. Lowell High School wishes every graduate luck in whatever direction the future leads them.

Student Shoutout: Kathy Kennelly

Kathy Kennelly has used her summer to take her education above and beyond by enrolling in summer courses.

“I wanted to sign up for online summer school classes because I value learning. Whenever I have the chance to become more educated, I go beyond what is needed.”

The length of summer courses vary depending on class. Kathy will receive credits for her law education course with just two months of online schooling.

Compared to the traditional classroom setting, an online course offers you a little more freedom and focus with your learning.

“You are allowed to go your own pace so you can go as fast or as slow as you like. It’s also nice to learn alone and only have to focus on that one individual subject.”

LHS offers a variety summer courses for students who want to get ahead or make more room in their schedule during the school year.

“A lot of the courses are career based or topics that could help you decide on your future college or career. Some of the online classes are not offered in the regular classroom which is why it’s important. It helps you stand out against other high schoolers,” said Kathy. “I would absolutely recommend this to students who would like to get ahead and maybe even learn something new.”

By going the extra mile Kathy is getting ahead and preparing for her future. She plans to take economics next summer to continue her extra studying and get even further ahead. Her hard work and dedication are great skills that help her stand out in any crowd.