#1StudentNWI: Crown Point High School’s school year comes to an end

#1StudentNWI: Crown Point High School’s school year comes to an end

What’s recently happened?

Crown Point High School students recently wrapped up their Advanced Placement (AP) exams, a significant academic milestone for the 2023-2024 school year. Held in early May, these rigorous exams are designed to provide students with the opportunity to earn college credits and strengthen their college applications.

The school offers a comprehensive AP program with more than 20 courses available to students. This extensive selection allows students to challenge themselves academically and prepare for higher education. Throughout the year, students have engaged in intensive study sessions, supported by teachers and additional resources, to ensure they were well-prepared for the exams.

The completion of the AP exams is particularly momentous for juniors and seniors. Seniors, in particular, are now turning their focus toward graduation and finalizing their college plans. The successful conclusion of these exams marks the end of a demanding academic period and the beginning of new academic and professional journeys for many students.

What’s coming up?

As the 2023-2024 school year comes to a close, Crown Point High School is abuzz with activity and anticipation. The final day of classes for students is slated for May 31, marking the official end of the school year.

This milestone not only signifies the completion of another academic year but also ushers in a series of celebratory and transitional events. As the summer break begins, many students will participate in summer reading programs and other preparatory activities to ensure they are ready for the next school year, which starts on August 14. This break is also a time for students to relax, engage in summer jobs, or attend camps and other enriching experiences​.

Overall, the end of the school year at Crown Point High School is a time of reflection, celebration, and preparation for both students and faculty, highlighting the achievements of the past year while looking forward to future opportunities and growth.

Staff spotlight:

Jerome Flewelling, a distinguished educator at Crown Point High School, has made a significant impact both in the classroom and on the stage. As an AP Physics teacher and assistant theatre director, Flewelling has received numerous accolades throughout his career. In 2018, he was named Indiana Teacher of the Year, a testament to his dedication and innovative teaching methods.

“I was a camp counselor, and I loved working with kids. I originally wanted to work for IBM for computers and then I wanted to do physics, but upon reaching my freshman year at college, I realized that there was not a lot of human interaction,” Flewelling said.

His commitment to fostering a deep understanding of scientific principles has made him a beloved figure among students and colleagues alike. Flewelling's teaching philosophy centers on connecting students to the subject matter and each other, emphasizing the value of lifelong learning. Beyond the classroom, Flewelling has made substantial contributions to the school’s theatre program. As the assistant theatre director, he has been involved in numerous productions, helping to bring stories to life on stage. His role in theatre showcases his versatility and commitment to student development in all areas, not just academics.

“I had always wanted to teach theatre. In Pennsylvania, where I grew up, there weren’t any theatre teachers. Our theatre director was just another teacher, and once I got into teaching I realized that I could be teaching physics whilst still directing theatre. I love working with the students. I love taking a creative idea and putting it on stage for others to see. The team I work with is amazing,” Flewelling said.

His dual expertise in physics and theatre lets Flewelling offer a well-rounded educational experience to his students. By fostering both analytical and creative skills, Flewelling helps students develop a more holistic approach to learning and personal development.

“A lot of people say to me, ‘Physics and theatre, what a weird combo,’ but there are a lot of connections between the two. Good mathematicians often are good musicians. Both theatre and physics require a little bit of creativity, organization, and expression,” Flewelling said.

Flewelling’s dedication to his students and his innovative teaching methods exemplify the best of what education can offer. His work in both physics and theatre at Crown Point High School continues to inspire and shape the lives of countless students, preparing them for a future where they can thrive in any field they choose to pursue.

Student spotlight:

Crown Point High School Junior Katherine Nordyke has reached an impressive academic milestone by obtaining a qualifying score for the prestigious 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program. This achievement places her among the top high school students in the nation and marks the beginning of a competitive journey toward scholarship awards.

The National Merit Scholarship Program is a highly competitive academic program that begins with the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Each year, approximately 1.5 million high school juniors take this exam, and those who achieve the highest scores qualify for recognition. Out of these entrants, about 50,000 with the highest scores are recognized, with approximately 16,000 named as semifinalists. Nordyke’s qualifying score not only highlights her exceptional academic abilities but also opens up opportunities for scholarships and further academic accolades.

“I felt great when I found out. It felt like all of my hard work through my years of schooling was worth it,” Nordyke said.