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#1StudentNWI: Hammond High Starts the New Year Right

#1StudentNWI: Hammond High Starts the New Year Right

Angie Juarez Goes Beyond the Beauty

Angie Juarez comes off as an average girl who takes pride in keeping her appearance up. She would fix her makeup no matter where she was, but there is more to her.

She is not just a girl who cares about her beauty; she is also a high achieving student in the classroom. Juarez has a 4.0 GPA and has many AP and Honors classes. She is loved by many of her teachers and brings excitement and new ideas to her peers.

Juarez not only excels in the classroom but she also participates in clubs and volunteer work in and outside of school. She is Chief of Photography in the Yearbook Club and makes sure to try to make it to most sports games despite her busy schedule.

This year is her third year involved in Yearbook Club and she plans on continuing her involvement her senior year. Juarez is also involved in academic clubs such as Student Government and National Honor Society, where she is secretary for the first time this year and a two year participant in NHS.

In addition to being an avid participant in extra-curriculars, Juarez is an active volunteer. For example she has volunteered for the Roland Parrish Alumni Event and Former Indiana State Superintendent of Education Glenda Ritz.

Teacher in the Spotlight: Larry Moore Jr.

1Student-Hammond-Jan-2018-05Larry Moore Jr. is a teacher, coach, friend, and much more here at Hammond High School.

His career started at Hammond High through athletics. Moore coached girls’ track for ten years and boys’ cross country for seven years. Then he dabbled in basketball in 2003, when he worked with the less experienced teams and got the hang of coaching young men.

Moore became the Head Coach of the varsity basketball team and has been coaching them for six years. He has been accompanied by Assistant Coach Boyette for four years.

Moore’s past seasons have been good, but none of them have been like the one he and his team are experiencing this year. Moore is leading his varsity basketball team with a 11-3 record and plans on doing nothing less.

1Student-Hammond-Jan-2018-03He put together a team that has chemistry and respect for one another and showed them many life skills on and off the court. Moore often makes sure to participate in many volunteer experiences with his team. He has been a part of soup kitchens, food drives, canned good drives, youth basketball camps, and other community events. He even feeds residents at the Mount Zion Plaza View and volunteers to help the Hammond Federation with their sign language program.

Moore decided to be even more involved with Hammond High, so he became a Basic Skills English teacher and has been teaching Hammond students for three years. He also co-teaches English with Ms. Brown and Ms. Ellis to broaden his teaching experiences. Moore is someone of great intelligence, and his involvement here at Hammond High does not go unacknowledged.

Wildcats Give Back and Excel in Athletics

1Student-Hammond-Jan-2018-04Hammond High was extremely ready for Christmas break.

Many students and teachers prepared well for finals and the end of the grading period. Several clubs and classrooms administered or helped other organizations gather toys for toy drives. Some in particular helped the Carmelite Home by encouraging students to bring in gifts and necessities for all different age groups.

The girls’ basketball team helped an organization that gave Christmas gifts to the Hammond community. The event took place in Hammond High’s gym, and there were refreshments and small snacks for everyone to enjoy throughout the program.

December also brought excitement for the boys’ varsity basketball team. Hammond High’s basketball team went to the tournament referred to as the “Big Dipper” on December 26 through the 29, where the boys beat Rich Central High School thus advancing them to the next round.

Next, the team faced Morgan Park High School and unfortunately lost the game. The loss did not stop the team from working hard against every opponent, and they made sure to give Morgan Park a run for their money. The Wildcats bounced back and defeated the undefeated Bowman High School by two points.To the enjoyment of many Hammond High fans, the boys’ varsity basketball team is having a great season.

Second Semester: a Fresh Start

1Student-Hammond-Jan-2018-06Hammond High started its second semester on January 16, allowing students to get a fresh start with their academics and extracurriculars.

It is good for students and teachers to experience new classes and fresh faces. It is also exciting for students to change their schedules and see new people in their classes.

Another thing that Hammond High might be looking forward to is the new year and all the fun resolutions that come along with it. There are many students who plan on turning their lives around, starting with school. Hammond High students have been posting all over social media about the guaranteed happiness and growth in the new year.

The Wildcats plan to encourage every student to do their best and stop procrastinating. Not only that, but students are trying to be more motivational to each other in the new year. Hammond High seems to have high hopes for 2018.