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#1StudentNWI: Highland Kicks Off the Year with Sports and Theater

#1StudentNWI: Highland Kicks Off the Year with Sports and Theater

Teacher spotlight: Welcome Back!

This year, Highland welcomes back a former teacher and new coach, Mr. Pete Koulianos. He was a teacher at Highland High School for ten years before he transferred to Hanover Central to be a teacher and coach for three years. Koulianos is coming back to teach both biology classes and weights classes. He will also be Highland’s new varsity football coach. Koulianos has coached football for twenty years and counting. He also played football for ten years at Lake Central High School and while he was in college.

Koulianos talked highly about the seniors on the team this season. He said that the leadership seniors show will determine how the season will go this year. He also said that this seasons group of seniors is very well rounded. Players say that a new coach is a big change, but it is a good change to have. Koulianos pushes the team to do their very best to represent not only the school, but their fellow teammates. He has them set goals for themselves so they can push to meet them throughout the season. One of the major goals is to have a winning season for Highland this year. Overall, the addition of Mr. Koulianos will be very valuable to the high school for not only athletics, but education also.

Congratulations on becoming the new varsity coach, and welcome back to Highland. Good luck on this upcoming season!

What’s Happened Recently: “Sleeping Beauty” in the Park

This summer marks the 37th year that the Highland Parks and Recreation Performing Arts Group have performed at the Main Square Gazebo. The musical was Sleeping Beauty, but not the regular Disney version. This Sleeping Beauty was a mixture between The Brothers Grimm and Disney combined. The musical was chosen by the director and recreation supervisor to be family friendly for all age groups.

Director April Vargo chose the cast after two nights of auditions. During the auditions the cast had to sing and dance to show their abilities. They rehearsed all of June and July for three hours on their specific days for the six night event. To learn all of the dances for each act, actors met twice a week. There was a wide variety of ages ranging from ten to seventeen, along with one adult. In total there were 33 cast and crew members working on the show. The group came together for an amazing performance.

Throughout the entire two hour event there were laughs from the whole crowd. Children that were in the audience danced along with the cast to the music and singing. Proud parents and family sat in the front row to watch as their loved ones gave the show their all. The first act ended with a cliffhanger and left the audience with suspense during the intermission. The second act was filled with funny humor by all cast members. In the last scene the whole cast came out to perform one last song, leaving the audience with a blissful night.

Student Spotlight

Dean Foundos has been varsity quarterback at Highland for three years and this season kicks off his senior year. Foundos' football career began when he was just five years old and sparked a love of the sport. He has put in a lot of hard work and dedication over last twelve years to be where he is now. While putting in the effort needed he also lifts his teammates spirits to help them push through a game or even practice. Foundos said that he has seen so many changes with the football program at Highland, that includes everything from coaches to his fellow teammates on the field.

Foundos also noted a lot of change from last season to this season on the team. This year, highland has a new football coach and a great group of seniors that he thinks will help pull off a successful season. Foundos said that the word to describe the team this year would be “dedicated." He and the rest of the team are working hard to give highland a winning season. He is hardworking and focused on the field to help not only himself but his teammates also. Foundos’ teammates say that he is a great leader on and off the field. He is a big help when players need help on where to go when playing on the field.

“He is an all around amazing teammate and person to play with,” Sophomore, Kenny Finke said.

Foundos thinks this season will be great for everyone, especially the seniors on the field.

What’s Coming Up: Tailgate Time

The second Friday after school resumes will be time for fun, laughter, food, and most of all, football season. Friday, August 24th at 5 p.m the 25th annual Highland Tailgate Party will begin. The party ends at 7 p.m, but stick around afterwards to see the varsity football team go against Crown Point during their first home game of the season!

There are only two other home games this year, making this game a valuable experience for the fans. To show Highland support, rally towels will be sold by vendors. Admissions fees, food, and activity purchases will go to support the athletics program at the high school.

Tailgate admission fees will be only $1, then a meal plus a drink will be $5. There are several different food vendors that will on the high school baseball field for people to enjoy. This includes Langel’s pizza and wings, potato pierogies, mac ‘n cheese, and pop or water will also be served. Among the fun activities for kids there will be a bounce house along with games! The National Guard is also coming out to show students different types of speed, strength, and agility tests that they perform. These test will only cost $1 to go through. This annual party is a great way to show your support of the community. It also is a great time for you to gather with friends, family, and fellow Trojan students. Hope to see everyone there on the 24th!