What's happening
The Morgan Cherokees are back to school. Old faces and new ones are here to meet and greet you in the halls. The students started the year off without masks, which gave the student body and great chance to see each other’s faces. Many students were excited to give their feedback on the start of the new school year.
Sophomore Jasmine Skoda: “I enjoy being back in school without masks. I also enjoy being around my friends.”
Senior Johnny Buyer: “ I enjoy being back in school in person because I’ve gotten to make great friends in the Yearbook class.”
Sophomore Nevaeh Dozier: “I am happy to see all my friends again.”
Freshman Dana Abring: “It’s nice to be back in school and see everyone’s faces in the hallways. I enjoy being able to sit with more friends at lunch too!”
Sophomore Taryn Hand: “I am happy to be back with my friends and to do Drama Club again.”
Freshman Ireland Hanna: “The best part about being back in-person in school is being able to open physical textbooks.”
As classes are starting up again, so are sports and after-school activities. This month, the Cherokees began their volleyball, soccer, and cross country seasons, and Future Farmers of America (FFA) started back up this year as well. Many students are participating in sports this year and the teams have been coming out on top.
In FFA news, judges from each school were chosen to judge soil at the soil judging competition on Friday, September 27. Aidan Ilic, Nathan Stoner, Kristian O’Dell, and others participated in judging this year.
In soccer this month, Morgan Township had a series of games played by both varsity boys and girls. On September 24, the boys varsity team played against Hebron High School and the final score was a win for Morgan after a final score of 0 to 12, in which Kaden Walker had some goals.
Finally in sports, cross country started up this month. On August 30, the boys cross country team played against Kankakee Valley High School. They were led by Owen Thomas who finished in second, Greyson Lemmons in sixth, Ty Ivanyo in ninth, Keagen Holder in 23rd, Harry Deporter in 33rd, Aiden Illic in 41st, and Tyce Kolan in 49th. In the JV race, Xander Bryan finished 22nd, Conner Chapman 60th, and Jack Bailey 75th.
Coming up
Key Club got to meet and discuss their upcoming plans for this year. Key Club is a service organization for students, and Lori Clymer, a Key Club leader, spoke about the group’s excitement for what’s coming up.
“We are working the Popcorn race this September helping at the finish line. We are also joining a Porter County Key Club day at Zao Island and volunteering at a Local Dog Shelter,” said Clymer.
Morgan Township’s yearbook team started up again this year as well. With a new teacher, Madison Meyer, and many new freshman and sophomore joining, the team is working hard to keep things running smoothly. So far, the club has had a successful few weeks and things are organized and exciting.
Congrats to the Morgan Township Girls Varsity Team for advancing in the PCC tournament coming up this next month!
Teacher spotlight
This month’s teacher spotlight is Madison Meyer. Meyer is a new teacher this year teaching English 9 and 11 as well as creative writing the second semester and presiding over the Yearbook Club.
Meyer attended Crown Point High School and graduated from Valparaiso University in May of 2020.

“I did my student teaching at Lake Central High School and I taught English 10 and 10 Honors. This past school year, I supervised Credit Recovery, Study Hall, and taught a section of Early Childhood Education at Hanover Central High School,” said Meyer.
Meyer spoke about how she had always been an avid reader and excelled in her English classes. It wasn’t until college that she realized how much she loved literature.
“Literature allows us to better analyze the world around us and communicate clearly, which are valuable skills that everyone should have,” said Meyer.
Meyer enjoys teaching because she is able to make connections with students and see them grow as young adults. She explained that this year has been a stressful one, but she is excited to see what this year has in store for her. So far, her favorite part about Morgan Township has been how supportive the faculty and staff are.
“It's reassuring to know that I can turn to anyone in the building for advice or help with anything,” said Meyer.
The final thing Meyer had to add for all Morgan Cherokees was, “Buy a Morgan Township yearbook!”
Student spotlight
This month's student spotlight is Johnny Buyer. Buyer is a senior at Morgan Township and he is a great student and respectful, kind peer. He is involved in a multitude of clubs such as FCA, Yearbook, German Club, Academic Teams, Interact, DECA, and tabletop gaming club.

“My senior year is going fantastic, but it also feels like it's going by way too fast,” said Buyer.
This year, Buyer is most excited to graduate as he is hopeful for himself to move up in his academic journey. His main motivation in school is the feeling of success after all the hard work that he contributes to his schoolwork.
After this year, he hopes to attend Anderson University or Wabash College where he plans to study computer science.
“I have a deep passion for computer programming and love the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that the degree presents,” said Buyer.