This month, Morgan Township’s Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) Organization had the opportunity to attend this year's DECA competition. The organization was very successful, with the team receiving many high places and even two students going onto internationals.
The organization's advisor, Crystal White, has been the advisor for four years. White’s passion for DECA comes from believing the organization serves as a great preparation experience for the futures of students regardless if that includes business or some other field.
White’s favorite part of the year was at the District competition which was held here at Morgan Township in January.
“It was a virtual platform, which we’ve never experienced before. We were unsettled as to how this would roll out since it was so different from our normal day of competition,” she said. “We had 35 students show up and represent Morgan Township with resilience like no other. Our DECA chapter is amazing.”
The highlight of the evening was when two students, Shelby Whitaker and Nathan Stoner, made it to International Career Development Conference (ICDC), the International level of DECA.

“Shelby in particular has worked hard for the past three years striving for the prestige placement of an ICDC competitor,” White said. “I am incredibly proud of all 35 members who were committed to DECA even as unpredictable 2021 has been with a newly implemented virtual platform.”
White has some advice for those interested in joining DECA.
“Stretch yourself. Get out of your comfort zone, and see what DECA can draw out of you. You may just surprise yourself.”
The DECA organization had a very successful run at their competition this year. Many of the competitors placed high in their ranks, which can be found in the list below.
Kristian O’Dell, first-year member, and freshman had a very successful beginning year. She had the opportunity to design the commemorative pin for the Indiana DECA organization. These pins are normally used to trade among other members of competing states.
“I really enjoyed DECA and I am looking forward to next year,” O’Dell said. “My favorite part about DECA is probably the pin design because I was able to use my drawing skills to make it.”
Another student, Savannah White, also enjoyed her experience in DECA this year.
“I love the opportunity to be able to step into another role during DECA, professionalism is something that we don't practice everyday so it is exciting. I also love meeting the new people at state.”
All students who participated did amazing jobs and look forward to the competition next year. They all have a passion for business and will benefit greatly in their up-coming adulthood.
At the competition, Whitaker, a senior, and Stoner, a junior, competed this month in the DECA competition and came out with amazing results. Overall, they each had first and third place in role-play, competency medallion for having an 85% or higher in any of their competitive events, and Whitaker placed 1st and Stoner 4th in their overall event and series, which advanced them to internationals.
“I feel excited and extremely fortunate to be able to be awarded for such an outstanding achievement,” Whitaker said. “I have been involved with Morgan Township DECA for three years, and the ultimate goal was to make it to internationals, so it was very exciting to make it my senior year, especially during a time of unpredictability with COVID-19! The support from the school and my other DECA members has also been especially encouraging, as I look ahead now to the International Competition.”

“I would say I feel that the achievement belongs to those who win Internationals,” Stoner said. “I've simply got an opportunity to grasp it.”
Their international competition will be in the upcoming year, so both students and the rest of the school look forward to cheering on their fellow peers and wish them good luck. Congratulations to all of the competitors for all your hard work!
DECA Competition Results
Shelby Whitaker, competing in Automotive Services Marketing:
1st Place in Role Play #1
3rd Place in Role Play #2
Competency Medallion for having an 85% or higher in one of her competitive events
1st Place in her overall event & Series, which advances Shelby on to Internationals!
Nathan Stoner, competing in Retail Merchandising:
Competency Medallion for having an 85% or higher in one of his competitive events
1st Place in Role Play #1
3rd Place in Role Play #2
4th Place in his overall event & series, which advances Nathan on to Internationals.
Jonathan Buyer & Carson Quick, competing in a Team Event, Entrepreneurship. Both were award a Finalist Medallion for finishing in the 10 ten of their event
Gigi Rubarts, competing in Restaurant Food Service Management placed in the top 10 of her event. Kristin O’Dell, competing in Principles of Hospitality and Tourism, placed in the top 10 of her event