Students across Michigan City Area Schools celebrated Red Ribbon Week October 23-30, with a focus on making positive, healthy choices and staying away from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. School counselors, teachers, staff, and after-school program staff coordinated a range of activities, including classroom lessons, poster and essay contests, and theme days.
Several buildings participated in the annual district-wide Red Ribbon Week display contest, which challenged them to create a bulletin board or other display centering on the drug- and alcohol-free message.
Pictured are celebrity “mystery judges” with the hallway display at Marsh Elementary, which won this year's contest with a kid-friendly "Avengers" superhero theme (L-R): Andrew Tallackson, editor of The Beacher; Charlie Roberts, Horizon Bank; Kim Palmer, Marsh Elementary School Principal; and Robin Snyder, MCAS Special Education Supervisor.
To view display photos from Barker, Joy, and Coolspring, (which won awards for best presentation, creativity, and service to community) visit