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2nd Wednesday Health & Spirituality – Intuition

Health-and-SpiritualityIntuition: That Inner Whisper will be presented Wednesday, Feb. 12, at the new program time: 6:30-8:00 p.m., taking place at La Porte New Church Swedenborgian, 812 Indiana Avenue. Each Health & Spirituality program offers an enlightening and casual 90 minutes of information, questions, compassion, and conversation surrounding our whole selves, allowing us to truly see how our mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. Everyone is invited to attend these community programs.

New Church Pastor Kit Billings will be sharing thoughts on intuition, a remarkable, perhaps instinctive, feeling that virtually all of us are familiar with but still feels unexplainable. Rev. Billings will be highlighting the book The Art of Intuition: Cultivating your Inner Wisdom by Sophy Burnham, author also of Path of Prayer and Angel Letters, an expansive and illuminating treatment of intuition as an important life skill that can open many new doors for us. Copies of this book will be available for sale at this program.

"Intuition is not reached through the conscious or thinking mind, which locks onto intellect, logic, and analysis. It is seen with the inarticulate dream-mind, the subconscious or unconscious,” Burnham writes. “Please note, I'm using these words in the loose sense of that part of the brain that we use when daydreaming, or sleeping, or weeding the garden mindlessly, or meditating, or absorbed in creating a painting, music, or other work of art.

"For intuition, you need the simplicity of the child-mind, the dreaming mind that tosses out images and information when you are asleep. I think it's important to encourage children, therefore, to daydream, space out, go woolgathering. Let them learn to be alone, and the same holds true for adults too.

"You need to be comfortable with silence and solitude. Learn to be quiet. Turn off the TV. Shut down the computer and video games. Befriend yourself. 'Go watch the grass grow,' as my mother used to say. 'Do nothing.' And you'll be amazed how much is revealed to you by merely opening yourself to your environment, observing with attention and without judgment. Allow yourself to dream. Your Higher Consciousness will point out where you ought to go."

For the next two programs, March 12 and April 9, Terese Fabbri, an experienced dream-therapist, will be the guest speaker on Dreams and how they are integrated into our spirituality as well as into our everyday. Terese, who holds dream workshops at Michigan City Public Library, gave her first Health & Spiritualty talk two years ago and was very happy to be asked back this spring for this two-parter. Then on May 14, Ang Benz will talk on Angels.

For more information on this monthly series, about any New Church program, or for pastoral care, email Rev. Billings at revkitbillings@comcast.net or visit www.laportenewchurch.org. Sunday worship and Children’s Sunday School begin at 10:00 a.m.. Newcomers are always welcome.