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A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Matt Wellsand

A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Matt Wellsand

It takes a special kind of person to instruct and guide the young minds of tomorrow. Matt Wellsand, middle school and high school-level science teacher as well as the track coach at Tri-Township Schools, is very well-suited to the task. 

Wellsand understands that he is responsible for more than just what takes place in the classroom and on the field. 

“It goes beyond sports and education for me; I want the kids to live fulfilled lives and to enjoy them to the fullest,” Wellsand said. “My goal is to be there for the kids and let them know that they have somebody in their corner. Day in and day out, I try to be an advocate for my students and athletes who need it. The kids have their bad days, and they don’t always have someone there to support them during those times. I strive to be that person for all the kids I work with.”

Wellsand, a resident of Porter County, graduated from Valparaiso University in 2008 having majored in education and minored in geography. With his love of science ignited by his geographical studies, Wellsand set out to become a science teacher. He began teaching at Fegely Middle School in Portage before transferring to Morgan Township Middle/High School in 2014. While at Morgan Township, Wellsand taught middle school science and social studies and frequently coached track. 

Needing a break from teaching, Wellsand resumed working at his father’s construction company in 2020. In his youth, Wellsand had often worked for his father on weekends and during the summer. Wellsand made his return to education when he started teaching science at Tri-Township Schools in 2023. He also began coaching Tri-Township’s varsity and junior high track and cross-country teams. 

“I enjoy working with the kids, just like the rest of my colleagues at Tri-Township Schools,” Wellsand said. “It’s amazing being a part of such a great educational atmosphere. We know that we’re not only impacting the kids today but also for the rest of their lives. It’s great running into our former students 10 years down the road because we get to see what’s going on in their lives once they’ve grown up. They’ve started families and have gotten jobs. Getting the chance to witness my students’ growth into adults has been a significant part of my teaching career.” 

For Wellsand, seeing his students succeed and thrive in their lives makes it all worth it. Although he has spent many years teaching hundreds of students, Wellsand has also learned some things during his career as an instructor.

“I’ve learned the importance of being adaptable and listening to my students’ and athletes’ input,” Wellsand said. “There was a time earlier in my career when I kept saying to myself, ‘I have a plan, but why isn’t it working?’ Eventually, I learned how to adjust my plan for each new group of kids I teach or coach. Now I say to them, ‘I see that this plan isn’t working. What can we do to make it work better for you?’ The kids will find online resources that help them better understand the concepts we’re covering, and I’ll share them with the rest of the class. I may be the instructor, but that doesn’t mean I know everything about what I’m teaching.”  

When he isn’t coaching or teaching, Wellsand enjoys spending time with his family during their trips to his in-laws’ house in Phoenix. He also plans to resume participating in La Porte County 4-H, as he feels the program teaches valuable life lessons to the youth of the community. 

Wellsand is pleased to participate in the La Porte County community and feels that it offers a unique set of benefits.

“I’ve found the La Porte County community to be very welcoming this past year,” Wellsand said.  “My students’ parents understand that I’m not teaching and coaching for the sake of my own glory. I can tell that they truly appreciate me for the work I do. La Porte County in general has a very reassuring spirit. You know that you can trust the people living there. It’s the kind of place where you can go on a Sunday afternoon drive, pull into somebody's driveway, and just talk to them. I enjoy being a part of such a close-knit community.” 

Wellsand is looking forward to educating future generations of students and helping them achieve their fullest potential. He plans to continue promoting athletic excellence as a track and cross country coach. In the classroom, he seeks to ignite a love of science within his students, all while having some fun along the way.