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A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Vince Ranola

A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Vince Ranola

While Vince Ranola is tackling auditions on the West Coast, his roots remain in Northwest Indiana, where he grew up surrounded by music, movies, and sports, along with the comfort and security of his loved ones.

“My dad recently sent me a picture of this note that I wrote to my future self in elementary school where I talk about how much I dream of becoming an entertainer. While the ‘why’ behind that has changed over the years, I always have and continue to want to make people happy. I want to make someone’s day better, even if it’s for a brief, fleeting moment,” Ranola said. 

For Ranola, acting was more than a joyous pastime but a deep-rooted passion that continues to fuel his artistic endeavors to this day.

“There’s a level of escapism associated with acting and the fine arts. As a kid, it was ‘Star Wars,’” Ranola said. “If I had a bad day, I knew I always had that comfort of escape waiting for me. I always wanted to be a Jedi, to be up on the big screen entertaining the masses. I grew up play-fighting with my friends and ultimately, that was the springboard for me pursuing film and acting.”

Ranola left the fields of Northwest Indiana for the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles in pursuit of his dreams in December 2022. 

"I'm taking classes when I can. L.A. is very expensive, especially compared to back home in Indiana, so I consider it a treat when I'm able to be in an acting class," Ranola said. "It's not without challenges. Some days, I feel like I can do anything, and no amount of 'no’s' can shake me. Other days, not so much.”

While navigating the ever-evolving film industry has its fair share of ups and downs, Ranola remains headstrong and relies on the one thing that motivates him through thick and thin: his faith.

"For me, truly, a big part of what helps me carry on is my faith. I know that God has a plan for me, and there's a reason for everything, including the timing behind it. That’s what helps me continue – knowing that as long as I’m putting in my side of things, working as hard as I can, and utilizing all the opportunities available to me, things will work out the way they’re supposed to,” Ranola said. "You just need to have faith and trust in God.”

With the love and support of family and friends back home, Ranola has learned that what matters most is self-love and acceptance.

“I made the mistake of attaching my happiness to accomplishment, but as I get older and learn from my experiences and navigate the many ups and downs, I’ve learned you have to be happy no matter what, and you have to love yourself, truly, in order to find peace and acceptance,” Ranola said.

Having experienced both success and heartache in his pursuit of acting, Ranola embraces the obstacles. Through hard work, perseverance, and faith, he remains committed to chasing his dream.

"There’s no simple answer to success in this industry. In most careers, you put in the work and see a direct result. I earned my pilot’s license after nine months of studying, practicing, and working with my instructor. I knew that if I put in the effort, I would achieve that goal. Acting, however, is different. It’s a career of chance. You have to be willing to put in the work, time, and passion, all in pursuit of an opportunity that isn’t necessarily guaranteed. But that hasn’t stopped me. In fact, it motivates me to work even harder,” Ranola said.

Reflecting on his journey into adulthood, Ranola offers advice to those hesitant to take risks in pursuit of their dreams.

"Live your life in the meantime. Work hard, be ready for when an opportunity comes. Give it your best because you never know how many chances you’ll get, but don’t tie your happiness to landing a role or winning an award. I’ve learned that success doesn’t define self-worth,” Ranola said.