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A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Jan Rubsam

jan-rubsamJan Rubsam of Valpo ATA Black Belt Academy leads a truly wonderful life instructing and also inspiring her students to never stop learning. Originally, Rubsam joined her daughter (who was nine at the time) in a taekwondo class for additional exercise. However, after becoming a 4th degree black belt, there was no denying the strength and joy it brought her. Owning and teaching at Valpo ATA Black Belt Academy has made Rubsam thankful for the exceptional physical and mental capabilities of her talented students.

“I appreciate every student that walks through my door. That honors me because I know families are busy, but they still make time in their lives for a stimulating martial art form such as taekwondo. The fact that they plan a day in their week to come train with me is a blessing. I really appreciate that,” Rubsam said.

Practicing taekwondo has made Rubsam even more aware of how important a balance in life is, not only to her, but to others as well. Children and adults can reap all the benefits of learning this stand up style of martial arts. The direct and indirect advancements are endless and include: respect, confidence, discipline, self-control, balance, coordination, fitness and self-defense strategies. Quite often after taking courses at Valpo ATA, parents notice a positive difference in their son or daughter. By providing confidence via taekwondo instruction, all other interest areas are heightened and stimulated.

“When parents come to me and say, ‘You can’t imagine the difference this has made in my son or daughter,’ they are usually not talking about physical skills because they can gain physical skills in many different sports," Rubsam said. "What the parents are talking about is the confidence, self control, and respect for themselves and for others the children develop. It really brings people to a higher level in terms of personal character. That’s the hidden benefit to some, but in my opinion that is also the greatest benefit.”

For fourteen years, Rubsam has perfected her form and still increases her knowledge while teaching four classes a day at her prestigious institution and also utilizes her black belt form on her own time. The highest awards that she has won include State Champion titles (State Champion in Sparring and Forms last year) and three-time third ranked world sparring champion. She has also been nominated for the Influential Women of Northwest Indiana award.

Rubsam has qualified for district championships, which includes six different state districts. She plans to travel to Little Rock, Arkansas in July to compete in the sparring division; she is currently in the top ten.

As a current competitor involved in the ATA (American Taekwondo Association), she makes sure to incorporate the teachings of Eternal Grandmaster H.U. Lee daily while training. One of her favorite quotes declares that we should always challenge ourselves: “Today Not Possible, Tomorrow Possible.” In Rubsam’s opinion, that is our highest calling in this life.

“Life is a journey of ceaseless and continuous learning. I think that’s our highest calling as human beings is to continue to challenge ourselves, always set new goals, and always be working towards something. If you stop doing that in my opinion, then you have stopped living,” Rubsam concluded.