New Year’s resolutions typically focus on self-improvement goals like weight loss. This year, why not resolve to do something different and potentially more lasting? Volunteer to improve the life of a child who’s suffered abuse and neglect.
As a court-appointed special advocate, volunteers receive in-depth training to advocate in court and in the community for the needs and rights of children in foster care. CASA volunteers come from all walks of life and professions and have one thing in common: they care about kids.
Volunteers get to know the child they represent by talking with everyone in that child's life: parents and relatives, foster parents, teachers, medical professionals, social workers and others. They use the information they gather to inform judges and others of what the child needs and what will be the best permanent home for them.
CASAs often say that volunteering is one of the most personally rewarding experiences they’ve ever had and that their CASA volunteering really makes an impact on children and families. In an overwhelmed child welfare system where children can be lost in the shuffle, a CASA volunteer gives voice to a child’s wishes.
To learn more about how you can make a difference in the life of an abused or neglected child here in our community, contact Porter County CASA by calling 219-464-9585 or emailing
Becoming an advocate for foster children will be the best resolution you can make for this year or any year!