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American Renolit goes above and beyond to give back to La Porte County

American Renolit goes above and beyond to give back to La Porte County

American Renolit Corporation (ARC), an international leader in the manufacturing of high-quality plastic films, believes in giving back to the La Porte Community. ARC has been teaming up with Rebuilding Together of La Porte County for the past two years. This program helps rebuild, clean, and improve the lives of those in need.

This year Renolit was assigned to helping an elderly couple by planting flowers, garage and porch painting, landscaping, and yard maintenance. Fifteen workers from Renolit participated this year, including spouses and younger children. Make no mistake, the participants from American Renolit are not being told to do this, it is something they believe in and enjoy.

Renaat Demeulemeester, President of American Renolit Corporation really sets the example by donating his time and work ethic to various community events. He spent the day leading his team to complete several projects at this year’s Rebuild day. The team was able to finish their project and move to different houses throughout the community to help other teams with their workload.

Dave Vogel is one of the participants who loves bringing his children to the Rebuild La Porte events. “I love teaching my two kids about giving back to the community and learning to help others. We are looking forward to participating next year too,” Vogel said.

“The program helps out the community, especially older people who can’t afford to or physically cannot keep up with their homes” says Max Bender, Process Development Manager at American Renolit.

Heather Glanz says the best part of volunteering with Rebuild La Porte is “Opening the door and seeing the homeowner in tears and so appreciative of all the volunteers there to help with the various projects. Helping just makes you feel good! It’s also something that my 10-year-old can participate in and learn from,” she said.

“I get to work with my other coworkers that I don’t get to see on a daily basis with this program. It helps build our team as whole,” says Nicole Johnson, Scheduler and Product Planner at Renolit.

The Rebuild La Porte Day happens every May. Volunteers use materials donated from local sponsors. Rebuilding La Porte is always looking for volunteers to grow the program. Those who benefit from the Rebuilding Together program include the homeowners, the neighborhood, and the workers, including those from American Renolit.

The nature of the work for Rebuild day can seem daunting, but there is something for everyone to be involved in whether you are experienced or not. Younger volunteers can paint or pull weeds in the gardens, and others can help clean. Volunteers are also needed for organizing, delivering food to work sites, and even paperwork.

If you are curious about participating in the Rebuild La Porte program next year, head over to http://rebuildingtogetherlaporte.com/volunteer/.  There are also board and committee membership options for those who want to get even more involved with helping their community. Companies also have the option to become sponsors for the program, such as American Renolit.

To learn more about the company and their industries, visit https://www.renolit.com/corporate/en/