So many of you have been so good to us. People we don't know are stepping up to help! Almost everyone is tired of the drug problem, some are oblivious. We are in the jail three times a week and we have part of the answer in building Worthy Women Recovery Home.
Worthy Windows & Doors Adoption
Will you consider adopting windows, views(downstairs bay, office, upstairs staff), security(front and back entrances), interior doors, and/or steps, perhaps half of an item?
Please become part of the solution to building WORTHY Women Recovery Home. We will hang a plaque with your name on it, organization, Bible verse, or in memory of, by each item adopted. When our ladies move in, they will forever see that you cared enough to offer your contribution of compassion to our mission.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent of state and federal law.
Learn more about who we help by listening to Amanda's story!
Mandy J. - MORE HOPE, less dope from Worthy Recovery on Vimeo.