April 3rd – 9th is 2016 Adult Learn to Swim Week with Portage Porpoise Swim Club

April_3rd_-_9th_is_Adult_Learn_to_Swim-1Indiana Governor Michael R. Pence has proclaimed April 3 - 9, 2016, as Adult Learn to Swim Week! Portage Porpoise Masters wants to invite all adults (ages 18+) looking to learn to swim to come out and visit during Adult Learn to Swim Week.

Portage Porpoise Masters wants you to know that it's never too late to learn to swim. We have friendly, encouraging coaches on deck during practice times to help you learn and improve.

Afraid to step on deck because:

  • You're not fast.
  • You're overweight.
  • You're out of shape.
  • You're intimidated.
  • You're embarrassed.
  • You don't look good in a bathing suit.
  • You've never swam a day in your life.

April_3rd_-_9th_is_Adult_Learn_to_Swim-2So were we! But Masters is a welcoming environment geared towards adults of ALL levels and abilities. We are there for a lot of the same reasons you are.

  • To learn to swim.
  • To get faster.
  • To get in shape.
  • To get off the couch.
  • To prepare for an event (pool event, open water, triathlon, etc).
  • To look better in that bathing suit.

Come and join us!

For practice schedule and information about Portage Porpoise Masters, visit http://www.ppscswim.com and click on Masters.