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Beat the Heat! Register for Day of Caring Now!

Day-of-Caring-1The countdown is on for this year's United Way Day of Caring, held on Friday, August 23rd. Projects are still available in Lake, LaPorte and Porter counties so make sure your company, church, civic group or family participates in this remarkable event where teams complete projects for local non-profits. Register today at www.nwivolunteer.org and LIVE UNITED by making a difference in your community!

Volunteer Management Training Dates

If you work with volunteers at your work or church, attend this FREE training to learn best practices in areas of recruitment, retention, orientation, training, and supervision. Training will be held in Lake, Porter and Jasper/Newton counties and registration is online at www.nwivolunteer.org For more information call 219-464-3583 ext. 104.

For more information, visit www.nwivolunteer.org.