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ValpoLife and Group 7even Partner Up to Give 1 ValpoLife Member a Free iPad!

ValpoLife.com and Group 7even (G7) are teaming up to give a member of the ValpoLife.com site a free iPad in ValpoLife’s second annual summer membership drive.

Starting immediately and ending on June 30th, individuals who sign up to be a member are automatically signed up to win a free iPad. Members who have already signed up for the site will be also be entered. If you are not sure, go to the site and login with your membership info. If you don’t have it, or something does not work, email us to make sure you are entered.

For the contest, ValpoLife is teaming up with Group 7even, an integrated communications firm located in Valparaiso. G7 specializes in in strategy, creative and adapting clients to new technologies and processes, especially those of which will help their clients return on investment.

Click here to view Group 7even's website.

“With the iPad being such a great technology tool, and ValpoLife.com being such visually-appealing positive website, we felt it was natural to reward the users with one of the coolest pieces of technology that we have personally used,” said Michelle Andres, owner of G7. "Grant and I both love our iPad’s, and when Chris came up with this idea, it was a perfect fit. We are working all the time with clients not only to show them new media, but also to help them use all media in new and creative ways.”

“We want to reward one of the members of ValpoLife who see the benefit of signing up to become a member with the hottest technology device on the market, said ValpoLife Publisher Chris Mahlmann. “Our members can easily contribute stories and photos, comment on the thousands of articles and stories we have, and receive our twice-weekly newsletter highlighting some great stories, events, and offers going on around town. They play one of the most important roles here in helping us to spread the word about what it is we do here.”

“I get to use the device all month long in June and will be writing about it, and then we’ll select one lucky winner at month end who will get to play with it as their own," said Mahlmann.

To become a member, visit valpolife.com/register and submit your name and email. Current members will be entered in the drawing. If you aren’t sure if you are a yet a member, or have forgotten your login information, email contribute@valpolife.com and we would be happy to help you.