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BGHS to Host Spring Choir Concert

Boone Grove High School will be holding a choir concert on May 26, 2009.  The concert will be located in the small gym beginning at 7:00pm.  Doors will open at 6:45pm.  The admission fee is reasonable charging only a dollar for students and two dollars for adults.  The money will be donated to the BGHS choir fund.

It will be the last concert for the graduating seniors.  Before the concert the students will hold a fellowship potluck dinner to bond before their last performance.

The theme of this concert is "Musical Mayhem and Senior Night". Mixed choir, women's choir, men's ensemble and seniors will all be performing pieces such as "Sweeny Todd", "Show Boat", "Dark Hills", and "Good Morning Baltimore" from the musical Hairspray. Mrs. Hamilton will honor all seniors at the end of the night.  Awards such as most outstanding, most improved, and the national choral award for seniors will be presented.