The Bonner Senior Center was awarded a $500 grant this month from the Porter County Master Gardener Association. “The donation will be used to fence in our community garden”, states Janet Clem, Director. “Our grounds at the center are gorgeous with lots of open green space, flowers and gardens that attract deer and other wild life. The fence will help to discourage these uninvited visitors from feasting on the produce!”
The community garden was created 3 years ago as both a healthy outdoor program for senior center members and also as a community outreach program to support local families. This year’s harvest will include; tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, sweet peppers, a variety of squash, lettuce, and onions.
“Our seniors never cease to amaze me…” states Brendan Clancy, Portage Township Trustee, “I’m so incredibly proud of what they continue to accomplish. All of the work and time the seniors devote to our community garden provides hundreds of pounds of food for the Portage Township Food Pantry to help feed so many of our community members in need. Thank you to the Porter County Master Gardener Association for this grant which enables us to provide for both our seniors and Portage Township families.”
The center donated over 900 pounds of fresh produce to the Portage Food Pantry in 2013 and over 850 pounds in 2014. To learn more about the Bonner Senior Center visit or call 762-1522.