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Boston Briefs: Radio Station Trip and Anti-Bullying Month

bms-radio-station-2015- The Sixth Grade Science Club took a walking field trip to the local radio station after school on Thursday, November 5th. The tour provided information about careers in broadcasting, technology used by the station, and how the station broadcasts information to the La Porte area.

- October was National Anti-Bullying Month. Boston students participated in the nationwide Stomp out Bullying day on Monday, October 5th, by wearing Blue shirts. They were also encouraged to make new friends and/or stick up for other kids they knew who were being bullying.

- Red Ribbon Week is also in October. Students participated in themed days to bring awareness to the dangers of doing drugs. Students won prizes for participating! Some of the themed days were: Be a superhero! Say no to drugs! Be a smarty! Stay away from Drugs! and Black out Drugs!