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Bowlers Roll Generosity to Mammography Services Department

Franciscan-Bowling-MammographyMembers of the Michigan City United States Bowling Congress Women's Bowling Association recently raised and donated $4,250 to the Mammography Services department at Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Michigan City. Members have been raising funds for the unit for 11 years.

Franciscan St. Anthony Health representatives accepting the donation include: Sister Marcene Franz (top row, left portion of photo), hospital president Dr. James Callaghan (shown next to Sister Franz), Cheryl Haas, hospital director of diagnostic imaging (top, sixth from left) and Sister Dolores Ann Novak (top, in right portion of photo). League members include (bottom row, from left): Jacki Henry, Marilyn Schnick, Cris Wilson and Sue Parks. Others include (top row, from left): Christy Stoll, Yvonne Baron, Carla Snapp, Chrissy Sydow, Lynn Klemz and Chase Coleman, representing Lakeshore Lanes. Not pictured are Sharon Jokantas and Kari Heath.