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Burns Harbor RDC Leader Steps Down, Looks ahead to Town’s ‘Bright Future’

burnsharborBurns Harbor Redevelopment Commission (RDC) President Greg Miller recently stepped down from the position.

Miller — who also served on the Town Council (at large) and as Vice President of the Sanitary Board — submitted his formal letter of resignation last month. His departure was an optimistic yet difficult decision, he said, due to family and personal obligations.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time serving the town and its residents,” Miller said. “Burns Harbor has a bright future, and I look forward to participating in various town meetings, of course on the other side of the podium now.”

Miller hopes to continue actively participating in community activities in an unofficial manner, but will not be running for re-election to the Town Council this year.

Miller departs after nearly four years of visionary progress in town. He was elected to the Town Council in 2011, and later appointed to the RDC approximately one year later. During his tenure, Miller oversaw an innovative agreement between the RDC and the Duneland School Corporation to share a portion of the town’s TIF revenue to create economic development. Further, he led the RDC through an extensive six-month request for qualifications that garnered 11 submissions from high quality firms interested in providing assessment and strategic guidance for the town’s future development. Miller’s expertise aided in the selection of LiveWorkLearnPlay (LWLP) as the Master Development and Revitalization Advisor.

Town Council President James McGee said, “On behalf of the Town of Burns Harbor, we sincerely thank Greg Miller for his commitment and service. Greg’s leadership played an integral role in shaping the future vision and direction of our town.”

Town leadership continues work towards updating its leadership structure. A formal announcement of new appointments is expected later this fall.

Burns Harbor currently has open seats available on the Board of Zoning Appeals and Plan Commission. Town residents interested in serving their community may speak to a Town Council member in-person, contact a Town Council member via text or call the Clerk Treasurer at 219.787.9413. An application is available on the “Boards & Commissions” page of the town website at www.burnsharbor-in.gov.