Home»Other»Burns Harbor RDC to Interview Three Firms in Consideration to Lead Town Development

Burns Harbor RDC to Interview Three Firms in Consideration to Lead Town Development

burnsharborThe Town of Burns Harbor Redevelopment Commission (RDC) continues to make progress towards establishing a long-term plan of action for a sustainable economic environment and town identity.

At its monthly meeting held Tuesday evening, the RDC announced the following firms as top contenders to facilitate development of the town starting this year:
Crowe Horwath LLP with Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company (DPZ) and Global Land Surveying
LiveWorkLearnPlay Inc. (LWLP)
SB Friedman Development Advisors (SB Friedman) with Looney Ricks Kiss (LRK) and URS Corporation (URS)

In-person interviews for the top firms are scheduled for a closed session Feb. 6.

Last fall, the RDC received 11 submissions from firms interested in providing assessment and strategic guidance for the development of land and programs within the town. Specifically, the RDC seeks a master development and revitalization advisor to work on strengthening existing businesses, furthering community development, expanding local employment and improving quality of life for residents and visitors.

The top firms were awarded interviews based on assessment of portfolios, previous experiences and success stories in comparable local and regional areas. Additionally, preliminary ideas for implementing future development were evaluated.

Greg Miller, RDC president, said, “We are extremely fortunate to have so many responses from such high quality firms with national and international successes. The RDC is committed to this project, which is vital for Burns Harbor’s future. We will work diligently to complete this process and implement best practices for long-term community growth and health.”

Finalization of contract and formal adoption of a town master development and revitalization advisor is tentatively scheduled for February’s monthly RDC meeting.

The Burns Harbor Redevelopment Commission (RDC) is a six-member appointed board. The RDC is committed to serve as a catalyst for progress by providing the collaborative leadership needed to improve the quality of life for residents through sustainable economic development. Incorporated as a town in 1967 from the growth of Bethlehem Steel, the latest U.S. Census established Burns Harbor as the third fastest-growing community in the state. Burns Harbor is located in Northwest Indiana just 40 miles outside Chicago on the shore of Lake Michigan and Indiana Dunes. For more information, call 219-787-9413 or visit www.burnsharbor-in.gov.