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Calvary Link: Where Has the Time Gone?

Josh-ReasonerDon't look now, but August is around the corner...hopefully that means we have a few hot summer days (goodbye polar vortex!) left before its time to grab school supplies and send the kids back to school!

Speaking of August - don't forget to register your kids for what we hope will be our largest and most exciting week of VBS ever (August 4-7th) right here at Calvary! That's right, we are unapologetically consumed with numbers...because we believe the more kids who make it out to VBS, the more kids will hear the good news of the gospel and the more families will have an opportunity to get connected to a solid church community that loves Jesus and lives out the gospel. So get your kids over here - or find some kids to bring! Check out the Children’s Ministries section below for more information, and click HERE to register.

Join me this Sunday as we tackle some tough questions in the book of James: How do you know if a person really believes something, or whether they just CLAIM to believe it? Is there a difference between knowing something and believing? Isn't it true that once we are saved, it doesn't matter whether we do good works or not, since no matter how we live we'll still be in heaven in the end? (James 2:12-26)

Come worship with us, find out what a tight rope, Raccoon Lake, and an apple tree have to do with the gospel, and come expecting God to fill you up.

What's new at Calvary...

Children's Ministries
Children ages K-5th grade are invited to share in Vacation Bible School’s awesome week (August 4-6, from 5:45-8:15p) of Bible stories, action-packed songs, memory verses, cool crafts, games and snacks. We will conclude with a Family Fun Night on Thursday, 8.7! Register between services this Sunday, or print off the registration form by clicking HERE. All children (whether they attend Calvary or not) are encouraged to submit their registration by 7.27.

Our Calvary Church Family is invited to enjoy Family Fun Night on Thursday, 8.7! Invite your neighbors, family and friends to join you! We will have games, bounce houses, face-painting, music, and a free hot dog meal for kids (while supplies last). Additional food will be available for purchase. Kick-off will be in the Worship Center at 5:45p., and activities will open at 6:15p.

All Vacation Bible School volunteers: Please attend an important meeting this Sunday 7.27 after 3rd service in the Banquet Room; lunch will be provided. Contact Victoria Evans-Peasley at victoria@calvaryweb.net to RSVP.

Student Ministries
Our next Ultimate Game Night is THIS Sunday, 7.27, with Connect Middle School Students meeting from 4:30-6:30p and Reliant High School Students from 6:30-8:30p. We will have dinner, hang time, and a fast-paced rotation that includes messy, hilarious activities that we cannot wait to share with you! Be sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, and bring a towel along this week--we plan to be extra messy! Students are encouraged to invite friends and come play with us!

Parents and Students, if you are interested in getting even more connected with our Student Ministries, email megan@calvaryweb.net to sign up for our brand new E-Newsletter!

Global Missions
If you have a desire to serve the women and girls of Guatemala, you may want to consider joining Stacy Young & Lynette Green for the Women's Guatemala mission trip scheduled for November 1-8, 2014. The purpose of this trip will be sponsoring a retreat for the female staff at the Kids Alive Oasis home and also ministering to the girls who live there. Applications and more information are available here.

Women's Ministries
Girlfriends! Join our Summer Book Club! We will be reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver and gathering on Saturday, 8.2 for a picnic and discussion! CLICK HERE for more information.

Miscellanies Blog: James Edition
Miscellanies, the sermon blog, is going daily for the James: A How-To Guide sermon series. Every weekday, you can review a practical principle from James’ challenging letter to the church. The posts are short readings great for a quick lunchtime read or to supplement your daily devotions.

Discover Israel
Join our Senior Pastor Lionel Young and his wife Stacy for the trip of a lifetime to the land of the Bible, February 1-12, 2015. Contact Stacy Young at syoung@calvaryweb.net or sign-up at www.calvaryweb.net by 8.1 to receive the $100 discount!