I have missed you! I have been in Oxford, the land of Tolkien and Lewis, and have enjoyed my studies immensely. The old university town has been described by an English poet as 'that sweet city with her dreaming spires that needs not June for beauty's heightening'. It is a beautiful place.
But there is no place like home! I'm so thankful to have had some time with my family -- and lots of time in solitude surrounded by books. I am also thankful to be back where I belong this Sunday. Can't wait to see you and preach God's Word to you.
Welcome back our teams from Kenya and Guatemala. You can check out some of their pics on the Calvary Church Facebook page here. I'm so proud of them. And a huge shout out to Pastors Mark Lackey, Jon Nitta, Knute Larson, and Josh Reasoner for preaching the Word in my absence. Wow have we been blessed!
What's new at Calvary...
Global Missions
If you have a desire to serve the women and girls of Guatemala, you may want to consider joining Stacy Young & Lynette Green for the Women's Guatemala mission trip scheduled for November 1-8, 2014. The purpose of this trip will be sponsoring a retreat for the female staff at the Kids Alive Oasis home and also ministering to the girls who live there. Applications and more information are available here.
Women's Ministries
Girlfriends! Join our Summer Book Club! We will be reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver and gathering this Saturday, 8.2 for a picnic and discussion! CLICK HERE for more information.
Ladies of all ages and stages are welcome to join us for a Girlfriends Night Out. Our 50s and Beyond ladies meet the first Monday each month, 20 through 30 Somethings meet the 2nd Tuesday each month, and 30 through 50 Somethings meet the 2nd Thursday each month. Click on each group for dates and locations!
Children's Ministries
Our Calvary Church Family is invited to enjoy Family Fun Night on Thursday, 8.7! Invite your neighbors, family and friends to join you! We will have games, bounce houses, face-painting, music, and a free hot dog meal for kids (while supplies last). Additional food will be available for purchase. Kick-off will be in the Worship Center at 5:45p, and activities will open at 6:15p.
We need you! If you have a passion for kids and connecting them to Jesus Christ, we'd love to have you join the Rock Solid Children's Ministries team here at Calvary! Our Wednesday night AWANA program is in need of many volunteers this Fall to provide mid-week ministry for our 3 year olds-5th graders. To get involved please see our Children's Ministries Leadership Team in the foyer after each of the services this Sunday or contact our Director of Children's Ministries, Victoria Evans-Peasley (victoria@calvaryweb.net).
Student Ministries
Our LAST Ultimate Game Night is Sunday, 8.10, with Connect middle school students meeting from 4:30-6:30p and Reliant high school students from 6:30-8:30p. We will have dinner, Hang Time, and a fast-paced rotation that includes messy, hilarious activities that we cannot wait to share with you! Students are encouraged to invite friends and come play with us! **Please note that if students are going into 6th grade, they are welcome to begin attending Connect that week, and if students are going into 9th grade, they are invited to begin attending Reliant.
Parents and Students, if you are interested in getting even more connected with our Student Ministries, email megan@calvaryweb.net to sign up for our brand new e-newsletter that will begin after our semester kick-off!
Men's Ministries
Saturday, 8.9 is the yearly Canoe & Kayak Trip at Tippecanoe State Park. Plan to meet at Calvary at 8:30a. Dads are welcome and encouraged to bring their kids! Feel free to bring your own canoe or kayak, or equipment will be available for rent. CLICK HERE for more info and to sign up!
The Band of Brothers Summer Bonding Tour is back! Thursday, 8.14, Calvary men and their guests are invited to Scott Rice's home at 7p for an evening of fellowship together.
Miscellanies Blog: James Edition
Miscellanies, the sermon blog, is going daily for the James: A How-To Guide sermon series. Every weekday, you can review a practical principle from James’ challenging letter to the church. The posts are short readings great for a quick lunchtime read or to supplement your daily devotions.
Discover Israel
Join our Senior Pastor Lionel Young and his wife Stacy for the trip of a lifetime to the land of the Bible, February 1-12, 2015. Contact Stacy Young at syoung@calvaryweb.net or sign-up at www.calvaryweb.net by 8.1 to receive the $100 discount!