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Calvary Church: Water Wars and “The Big Reveal”

The weather was warm and laughter filled the air as the youth at Calvary Church are gearing up and getting ready for the upcoming school year.  On July 31, 2011, the evening began with water war games before moving on to the gigantic slip-n-slide on the back lawn where even a few youth leaders willingly took their turn.

After the water wars, the youth enjoyed a refreshing bowl of ice cream while hanging out with their friends before moving on to the hear the scoop about "The Big Reveal."

Youth Pastor Joe Wittmer stated, "The Big Reveal" is all about letting teens know about an identity, structure, and place for students to learn and practice loving God for a life time...oh yeah...we have a ton of fun too!"

"The Big Reveal" was about the many changes in the youth that will be starting this fall.  Pastor Joe feels that it is important for the youth group to have their own identities, so the youth will be divided up between the high school students and the middle school students. Pastor Joe and his team of helpers had motivation for choosing to separate the youth into two different groups.  It was simply explained by Pastor Joe who stated, "We believe it will allow us to better help you become life long followers of Christ."

The high school aged youth retain the "Rights and Privileges" to the name Reliant Student Ministries.  They meet on Sunday nights beginning September 11, 2011 from 7-8 p.m. Most events and studies will be geared specifically toward students in high school.

Pastor Joe introduced the new name for the middle school as Connect Student Ministry...seeking to connect you to God, to others, through discipleship.  They will also meet on Sunday nights beginning on September 11, 2011 from 5:30-6:30.  The material and events will be appropriate for middle school youth.

Positive solutions of how each student can get involved in their youth group through many different events were discussed by Pastor Joe who said, "This will help them mature in their walk with God."

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