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Calvary Link: Anticipation

Calvary-Link-Good-to-be-HomePerhaps there is no better word to use this time of the year than "anticipation." I am anticipating warmer weather and all that comes with it: watching baseball, cooking out on the back deck, a round of golf (or two?) and just sitting out on the porch on a warm summer evening. This boy from Texas has grown to embrace the rhythm of life in the Midwest.

But I'm also anticipating what God will do in my heart this time of the year. Along with the church everywhere, I am preparing my heart for Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday (Easter). And I'm praying one simple prayer. "Renew a right spirit within me" (Ps. 51.10). Personal, spiritual revival is something we should pray for!!! Renewal is the work of God in the heart of man!

If you need spiritual renewal, pray for it. As God renews the earth around you, pray that he will renew the heart within you. And don't forget to invite someone to join you on Easter Sunday to hear about Jesus as 'The Way'.

What's New at Calvary...

Easter Weekend at Calvary
Join us Easter Weekend for the Good Friday Communion Services at 5p & 7p and our Worship Services on Easter Sunday at 6:45a, 8:15a, 9:45a, or 11:15a. Invite your friends, neighbors, and family to hear the gospel message of Christ as THE WAY. Celebrate with us the beauty of being part of the church community following Christ together!

Childcare will be available for infants through preschoolers during both the 5p & 7p Good Friday services and the 6:45a Easter service. Full Rock Solid Kids Children's Ministries will be running during the 8:15a, 9:45a, & 11:15a Easter services. If you would like to serve our church families and guests in Children's Ministries over Easter weekend, contact Victoria Evans-Peasley, Director of Children's Ministries.

Men's Ministries
The men of Calvary Church and friends are invited to a movie night and chili cook-off! Join us this Friday, 3.20 at 5:30p for an energizing evening to watch a 1995 epic American film, Braveheart. For more details on the chili cook-off, click here.

Registration ($20) for Men's Summer Softball is now open through March 30. Games are typically on Wednesday evenings in May through July. If you are interested in signing up, contact jen@calvaryweb.net.

Nairobi Chapel Worship Team
Next month, we will be hosting 15 of our Global Ministry partners from the Nairobi Chapel Worship Team. We are looking for Calvary families to host 3-5 of the team members in their home from April 15-21. If you are interesting in serving in this way, please contact robyn@calvaryweb.net.

You won't want to miss Sunday, April 19 as the team joins CalvaryLive to lead Sunday morning worship at Calvary.

Student Ministries
For the month of March, Calvary Student Ministries will be collecting specific items for the Fill the Pantry, Impact a Heart drive to fill the pantry at Housing Opportunities. We will be collecting items every week in March. Then in April, students will have an opportunity to take those items and restock the shelves at the pantry. For a complete list of items, click here.

Women's Ministries
Women's Ministries will be offering a 5-week Precepts Bible Study on the book of Jude starting Tuesday, 4.7 from 9:30a to 11:30a. Childcare provided by RSVP. Click here for more information or to sign-up!

Rooted: Connecting Your Faith & Work
This month, Calvary's weekly disciple-building forum is talking about Connecting Your Faith & Work. Join our elder chair, Jon Costas this Sunday for a discussion and an extended Q&A. Looking to plant yourself deeper in the faith? Get in on a Rooted discussion in room 403 from 9:30a-11a.