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Calvary Link: Changing Lives Forever

Calvary-Link-Changing-Lives-ForeverLast week, two pregnant girls, 10 and 11 years old, walked into the Oasis Center in Guatemala and were received with open arms. At the IF Gathering last Friday, 40 women volunteered to serve immigrant families through Compass International, our new local ministry partner. Last Sunday, more than 1500 worshippers packed into our place of worship to encourage each other, and I met new people that YOU invited. Right now men and women and teens are planning to sacrifice vacation time and hard-earned money in order to serve on the mission field this year! Wow!

I could go on and on about how God is changing children and teens and how people are finding relationships that will last forever in our Life Groups. But what I really want to say is that it is so awesome to be part of a church community where God is exalted, where the gospel is proclaimed, and where lives are being changed forever. The Holy Spirit is clearly working through His people.

Can I also say thank you?! Thank you for the way you give and serve and the way you follow Christ. YOU are the church. What a joy it is be your pastor. I'm glad to be part of what God is doing here.

What's New at Calvary...

SPRING BREAK ends with a celebration! EASTER is March 27

20 Volunteer Challenge
Some of our Calvary Kids rooms have a fresh new look! We are already beginning to fill these spaces with eager children and we need your help to care for and teach them. Take a few minutes to contact Victoria Evans-Peasley to talk about how Calvary Kids can fit your schedule and change your life.

Starting Point TURBO
Starting Point offers important information about Calvary's values and vision. It's the perfect...well, starting point for people considering making Calvary their church home. You can pack all of Starting Point into a single turbo session on Saturday, 2.27, from 8:30a-12p in the Well. Sign-up online for Starting Point TURBO.

Future Leaders Program
Applications are being accepted for Calvary's Future Leaders Program. This program provides internship opportunities that give students a quality, hands-on ministry/work experience. For more information or to apply for the summer session, visit the Future Leaders Program webpage.

Calvary Men at the ARC
Guys, come on out for the VU vs. Northern Kentucky game on Thursday, 2.11. For $10, get food, great basketball action, and camaraderie. We'll meet in the McGill Room at the ARC at 6p to eat. Game starts at 7p. Click the link above for info on game day vouchers.

Young Adult Gathering
This gathering for young adults between 21 and 35 is a relaxed evening full of food and discussion hosted by Pastor Jon Nitta. It's a great opportunity to grow spiritually and to meet new people. Please join us in the Well this Friday, 2.12, from 7-9p.

Calvary Men Ski Trip
This one-day ski trip to Bittersweet Ski Resort in Otsego, MI is open to families of Calvary and friends. Plan to leave Calvary at 8a and caravan the 1.5 hours to Bittersweet. More details on the Bittersweet Ski Trip event webpage.

Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 3.6, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Cafe. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here.