"Shut your mouth, open your eyes and ears; take in what is there..." wrote C. S. Lewis in his classic work Surprised By Joy. That's good advice in our pursuit of joy. What do you see and hear in the world around you that sparks wonder or delight? It could be one of a thousand things--a hot cup of coffee, the laughter of friends, a book filled with inspirational wisdom, a well-written song, a cozy sweater, a delicious meal, a tree dusted with snow, a street lamp on a misty night (I like street lamps for some reason). "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it" (Ps. 24:1).
And then there are those things we do not see, but they are just as real. The love of God. The presence of Christ. The indwelling Spirit. This Sunday we are continuing our Advent series, Finding Joy, from the book of Philippians. We will talk about the most important thing to know in our quest for joy. We can, with God's help, find joy wherever we are on our journey.
This Sunday we continue the ancient tradition of gathering on the first day of the week--to sing old and new songs, to hear the reading and preaching of Scripture, to greet Christian friends, and to baptize new followers of Jesus. Baptism will take place in ALL THREE SERVICES this Sunday. Now that brings me joy!
What's New at Calvary...
Calvary Kids' Christmas Musical
Join us for this year's Christmas Musical, 'We Three Spies," presented by Calvary Kids THIS Saturday, 12.13, at 6p! This is a great opportunity to celebrate the Advent Season and reach friends and family with the Good News!
Nominate Someone to Lead
Calvary is looking for men to join our elder board to serve the needs of our growing church body. Elder candidates should be men of Godly character who are competent and experienced leaders. You are invited to prayerfully consider nominating someone you believe will provide able leadership for our church community. To nominate one or more elder candidates, Click Here.
Advent: Finding Joy
Advent marks a season of growing excitement and shared joy as Christ-followers celebrate the birth of the Savior. Join us at Calvary Church as we take part in an age-old tradition of remembrance and anticipation.
Advent Sunday Services on
December 14 & 21
8:15a, 9:45a, & 11:15a
Christmas Eve Services: 3p & 5p
Childcare will be available for infants through preschoolers during both the 3p & 5p Christmas Eve services. If you would like to serve our church families and guests in Children's Ministries during the Christmas Season, contact Victoria Evans-Peasley, Director of Children's Ministries, at victoria@calvaryweb.net.
Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 1.4, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Company. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here!
Give a Goat; Change a Life
Time is running out to give a gift of food, medicine, livestock, or other necessities this holiday season. We're partnering with local ministry Kids Alive to make sure children around the globe have their basic needs met this Christmas. When you don't have enough, sometimes a pair of shoes or clean drinking water is all your really want! Pick up a gift catalog and order form from the Guest Services desk or go online to kidsalive.org/giftcatalog to choose a meaningful and life-changing gift.
Generous Giving
Thanks to your generous giving this year, our church will be able to meet many needs for families in our community! In partnership with Aldi Foods, we are again supplying grocery gift cards. We want to be sure that our neighbors and those within our church receive the aid they need to provide for their families, especially at this time of year. If you or someone you know is in need this holiday season, please contact the church office 219-462-4026 or Lori Coslet at lori@calvaryweb.net.
Winter Weather Cancellations
In the unlikely event that we need to cancel a ministry due to inclement weather, we will post the cancellation at www.cancellations.com. Visit www.calvaryweb.net for a cancellations link. Or you may call the church at 219.462.4026 and select the cancellations option.