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Calvary Link: From Kenya

From-KenyaYesterday my wife and I played with orphans being rescued by our church! One of the girls told us, "I want to be a doctor." Another boy said, "I want to be a pilot." (At first I thought he said "pirate," and we had a good laugh over that!) We spent the whole afternoon with kids hanging on us. While we sat in a cafeteria built by Calvary, and while we played outside on the new playground put in the ground by our own church family. Wow! These are just two of the many ways we are changing this world together.

My two weeks away for studying and visiting our ministry partners here in East Africa are nearly complete. I look forward to sharing more with you upon my return. This Sunday, the quest for joy continues as Pastor Jon brings the Word and Kurt Felsman and the team lead in worship. Every Sunday is filled with joy at Calvary.

Ladies, don't forget about the IF: Gathering coming up at Calvary. It's a great way to increase your joy by walking with other women on the journey.

WHat's New at Calvary...

Parent Sunday
Attention Parents of Preschoolers-5th graders! Please join your kids this Sunday, January 25 for Parent Sunday during the 9:45a service! You will worship, play games, and learn the Bible lesson with your Rock Solid Kids. Plus, Pastor Josh will be on hand during a special parent gathering time to share about the vision of Children's Ministry and how it can help you encourage faith at home.

Interested in volunteering with the kids? This is a perfect time to check out our fantastic Children's Ministry and see where you could help!

Nominate Someone to Lead
There is still time to nominate a candidate for our elder board to serve the needs of our growing church body. Elder candidates should be men of Godly character who are competent and experienced leaders. You are invited to prayerfully consider nominating someone you believe will provide able leadership for our church community. Nominations are open until January 30.

Starting Point Membership Class
Become a part of our family! Starting Point is Calvary's membership class, giving information on what Calvary believes, where it is headed, and why that is important. The class is also designed to connect you with others who are considering making Calvary their home church. Starting Point begins on Sunday, 2.8, at 11:15a and continues for three weeks. Sign-up at the Guest Services Desk on Sunday or online here.

Also offerend in February, is our Starting Point Turbo Membership Class. The three week course is combined into one morning on Saturday, 2.28. Check it out HERE.

IF: Valparaiso
Join us for the IF: Valparaiso simulcast at Calvary on Friday evening, 2.6, and Saturday, 2.7. This 2-day gathering brings together women from around the world to wrestle with the essential questions: IF God is real... THEN what? What purpose does He have for me? IF: Gatherings are about facing those questions head-on and grappling through the hows and whys of living out the answers. Click here to purchase your ticket!

Sevenglory in Concert
What if you could change a life with a $10 concert ticket? On Friday, 2.13 at 7p, rock band Sevenglory with special guest Red Umbrella presents An Evening of Hope and Melody, a benefit concert for Oasis Home in Guatemala. Advance tickets ($10) are on sale now through 2.12 at brownpapertickets.com and in the church foyer on Sunday for cash or check purchases. Oasis is a residential haven for girls who have been abused or forced into child labor (or both). It's a place for them to heal and experience love and security.

Rooted: How to Make Your Marriage Last
This month, Calvary's weekly disciple-building forum has been working through practical steps and application for How to Make Your Marriage Last. Join Pastor Jon Nitta this Sunday for a discussion and an extended Q&A. Sunday, 1.1, we transition to Raising Kids in a Broken World with Pastor Josh Reasoner. Looking to plant yourself deeper in the faith? Get in on a Rooted discussion in room 403 from 9:30a-11a.

Young Single Women Valentine's Lunch
Join us for Accepted. Blessed. Chosen. A Valentine's Lunch for Young Single Women at Calvary on Saturday, 2.14, at 11a. This lunch will bless you with fellowship, great food and a message on "Your Identity in Christ" from Mel Parker. Click here to purchase your ticket by credit or debit or visit our table in the foyer on Sunday for cash or check purchases.

Life Group Openings
God did an amazing work this past Sunday at GroupLink! At our lunch event in the gym, 85 new people were placed into groups where they can experience real spiritual growth in the context of community. We still have a few more openings in some of our groups. Please contact julie@calvaryweb.net if you are interested. Openings are in our groups for families with younger children or families with older children.

Children's Ministries
Attention Rock Solid Kids Parents! Make sure you are receiving our Faith@Home Parent Link each week by sending your email address to aubrey@calvaryweb.net. This new e-newsletter will be in your inbox every Monday to help you connect with your kids at home about what they are learning and to stay up-to-date on events.