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Calvary Link: Greetings from Israel!

Israel-TripI am writing to you from the shores of the sea of Galilee! I can't wait to be back with you Sunday and share with you a little about this life-changing journey. Our trip began in the Negev (southern desert regions) where Jesus was tempted in the wilderness--and has now moved north into Galilee where our Lord performed most of His miracles. We will soon make our trek south toward the Holy City of Jerusalem where our Lord was crucified. I'm learning so much!!!!

Providentially, this Sunday the text falls on the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. I can't wait to talk with you about the Gospel, the Good News, that we are completely accepted by God, not because of anything we have done, but because of everything that Christ has done for us! After being here it feels so much more real. (I'm getting emotional thinking about it!)

I heard you were blessed Sunday by Pastor Mark! Isn't it great to have other pastors on our staff who are passionate about expository preaching? We have been so blessed!

Please follow us on Facebook--and pray for God to continue to bless our journey in the land of Israel and Jesus.

Pursuing Joy in Him,


What's new at Calvary...

At Calvary, we want you to get “plugged in” because we think spiritual growth happens better together rather than alone. GroupLink is a new way to get connected into a small group quickly because it’s easier to make that initial connection face to face. Join us for lunch in the gym on Sunday, 1.19 at 12:30p knowing what nights of the week you are free and a willingness to introduce yourself to others. Register for GroupLink here! (Childcare is available.)

Coffee with the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to join us on Sunday, 1.26 from 6:30-8p at Uptown Cafe. Learn about Calvary’s values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP online or at Guest Services in the church foyer.

Student Ministries
Reliant Students are invited to Game Night this Thursday at 6p and again on 1.30. Come hang out with us in the Well and bring your friends!

Reliant and Connect will both be meeting at Deep River Water Park on Sunday, 1.26 for ice skating and dinner. Connect will skate 4:30-6p and Reliant will skate 6:30-8:30p. The cost is $4 per person and it is an additional $5 if students need/want to rent skates. The park has pizza and hot chocolate as well!

Women's Ministries
Save the Date! Girlfriends of Grace presents "Be Mine", a Valentine's Lunch for Young Single Women. Enjoy delicious food, an inspiring message, and uplifting connections on Saturday, 2.8 from 11a to 1p. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will be available starting 2.22 online and after church services on 1.26 & 2.2. Contact victoria@calvaryweb.net for more information or if you are interested in helping with this event. 'Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.' Psalm 37.4

Girlfriends of Grace is excited to announce our new Knit/Crochet Fellowship Ministry! Girlfriend, grab your hooks, needles, and yarn, and come knit and crochet for His Kingdom! Join us on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 6-8p in the Banquet Room, as we create baby blankets/hats/prayer shawls/booties for the young girls and babies at the Kids Alive La Arquilla Home in Guatemala. Through these beautiful creations we lift these young girls and babies up in prayer. Beginners and all ages welcome, don't be shy! Contact victoria@calvaryweb.net for more information!

Men's Ministries
Save the Date: The Brothers in the ARC event at Valparaiso University will be Wednesday, 1.29. Join us for the VU Men’s Basketball game vs. Wisc. Green Bay. We will have a 6p reception in the McGill Room and 7:05p basketball game. Dads are encouraged to bring your kids, and give Mom a night off! Sign-up at Guest Services.

Children's Ministries
We need you! If you have a passion for kids and connecting them to Jesus Christ, we'd love to have you join the Rock Solid Children's Ministries team here at Calvary! To learn about the many opportunities, including Wednesday night’s AWANA program, and to get involved please stop by the table in the foyer after each of the services on Sunday. Contact our Director of Children's Ministries, Victoria Evans-Peasley (victoria@calvaryweb.net) for more information.

Catalyst Membership Class
Have you been visiting Calvary for a while? Is the Lord leading you to make Calvary your church home? Then we would encourage you to consider church membership. You are invited to learn more about our history, values, and ways to get “plugged in” on Sundays, 2.9-2.23 from 11:15-12:15a. CLICK HERE to register!

Tabletalk is an opportunity to explore engaging topics relevant to the Christian faith conversationally around tables. The time will be spent going “deeper” together with topics each month that will change how you see the Christian life as well as how you live. It continues this Sunday, 1.19, in the gym, during the second service (9:45-11a) with the first series entitled, “The Gospel for All of Life” in which we will take a closer look at what the Gospel is and its relevance to our lives.