Kay and I are coming up on our second anniversary here in Valparaiso. It's been two years since we moved here from Southern California. People ask us if we miss living there, and the answer is, honestly, no. We miss the people there and some of the fun places to eat, but think about it, we have a wonderful church family, great places to eat, and Chicago is close. Plus we all the water we can drink, and we can buy and light fireworks! Church, food, Chicago, water, and blowing things up - all life essentials!
This summer I've been keeping fairly busy helping people who are newer to Calvary get relationally connected through Summer Life! Our last Summer Life Night was amazing, except for the part that included lightening and thunder! For those that aren't familiar with Summer Life Nights, we want to provide a comfortable setting for people to come, meet others over dinner, and have some discussion about how to grow in our Christian faith. Childcare is even provided. That has all the markings of a great date night, and the best news is it doesn't cost you anything other than a couple of hours. Our next two Summer Life events in July are tonight and in two weeks on 7/15. If you're interested in coming, please contact Julie Shoup at the church and she can sign you up!
I'm looking forward to being with you this Sunday as we continue in 1 John. This week I want to share with you how the gospel changes us. Growth is a natural part of our Christian experience. When the gospel sinks deeply into our hearts, especially into those places where we aren't quite sure if God will come through or that He is who He says He is, that's when real growth starts to come out of us in character change. My hope is that the numeric growth of our church community will always be rivaled by the increasing depth of our roots in Christ. Those deep roots will show on the surface as real character change. I'm praying for our time together, so come expecting that God wants to do something gracious in all of our hearts!
What's New at Calvary...
Summer Life Night
Want to get more connected at Calvary? If you're thinking about joining a Life Group, Summer Life Nights are the place for you! Dinner and childcare will be provided. Our next Summer Life Night is from 6-8p TONIGHT. This event is for everyone - singles and marrieds, families and empty nesters, college students and senior adults. For more information on where to go or to sign-up, click HERE.
Children's Ministries VBS
Journey Off the Map with Calvary's Vacation Bible School 7.20-22 from 5:45-8:15p! This awesome week for kids entering K-5th grade is filled with Bible stories, action-packed songs, memory verses, cool crafts, games, and snacks. At the journey's end is a Family Fun Night on Thursday, 7.23!
Submit child registrations by July 12th to avoid long lines on opening night. Sign-up online or stop by our table between services to register.
VBS VOLUNTEERS: Please plan to join us for an important meeting on Sunday, 7.12, at 12:30p in the Gym. Lunch will be provided. Contact Ashley Rice (ashley@calvaryweb.net) if you are unable to attend.
Women's Ministry Serving Opportunity
Following the memorial service for Dr. Stewart Wu on Saturday, 7.11, Calvary will provide lunch for his family and friends. We still need several ladies (and gentlemen!) to help with set-up and clean up, food prep, and serving. In addition, we will need fruit items (salads, relish trays, chips, dessert bars, and jello desserts) dropped off to the church. Would you consider serving our church family in this way? Please contact Victoria Evans-Peasley (victoria@calvaryweb.net), to let her know how you might be able to help.
Calvary Student Ministries On the Road
Students, don't miss out on our next summer event at Shorewood Forest Beach where we will be grilling out, tubing, playing beach volleyball and more! On 7.8, middle school students are invited from 4-6p, and high school students are invited from 6:30-8:30p. Click HERE for more information.
Seniors' and Retirees' Breakfast
Seniors & Retirees are invited to join us for the Seniors' and Retirees' breakfast on Wednesday, 7.8. We will meet at Viking Chili Bowl from 8-10a! RSVP at Guest Services in the church foyer. For more information, click HERE.
Men's Ministry Social
The men of Calvary Church and friends are invited to John Bryant's home on Thursday, 7.9, from 7-10p for an evening full of food, drink, and good company! For more information and location details, click HERE.
High School Summer Mission Trip: New Orleans
This summer, our high school students will serve on a week long mission trip to the heart of New Orleans, LA. From 7.17-26, students will work alongside Urban Impact serving children in Day Camps and Recreational Outreach programs. For more information or to help fund their trip, click HERE.
Coffee With the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, 7.19, from 6:30-8p at The South Bend Chocolate Company. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP HERE!
Starting Point Turbo Membership Class
Become a part of our family! Starting Point is Calvary's membership class giving information on what Calvary believes, where it is headed, and why that is important. The class is also designed to connect you with others who are considering making Calvary their home church. Our Starting Point Turbo Membership Class combines a 3-week course into one Saturday morning on 7.25 from 8:30a-12p. Sign-up online HERE.