This is the week we remember in a special way what Jesus did for us. Good Friday service is my favorite of the year. I hope you’re planning to join us at 4p, 5:30p, or 7p. If you've never been to a Good Friday contemplative communion service at Calvary—you HAVE to come. Our pastors and wives are looking forward to serving you communion. You will be blessed!
And then come's Sunday. The Resurrection! Salvation forever! Celebration! Easter is such a joyful and hope-bringing occasion, it draws people who rarely come in the church doors. What if they experience God and His people in such a way that they want to come back the next week and the next? You can help serve our guests this Easter while enjoying the beautiful worship services yourself.
- Our elders, staff, and many volunteers will park in the TJ school parking lot to leave room for guests to park closer to the building. Come on over. It might seem far, but it only takes an extra minute to walk to the north doors.
- Come to the 6:45a worship service. We had to turn people away from later services last year; if we have 500 (or more) people commit to the 6:45a, we can avoid that this year. (Make it an extra-special celebration with our doughnut and coffee breakfast before the 6:45a service!)
- Pray for our Easter weekend services. Prayer and planning for Easter begins as soon as we turn out the lights on Christmas Eve. Join us in praying for God to do BIG things through Calvary this Easter.
I sure love being your pastor. I am praying especially for those who have lost loved ones that the hope of the resurrection will bring them comfort. I am praying for all of us that this Holy Week will be a time of spiritual renewal.
Invite 2 for Easter Invite friends to share the Easter experience at Calvary! Check out our Easter video on Facebook and share it with friends. Or download the Easter graphic from FB and text it.
Global Outreach
Pray Give Go
PRAY for the mission teams preparing to serve overseas in the coming months. You can GIVE to the work of the teacher and family mission teams using our secure online giving tool. Want to GO? There is a team forming to go to India in November. Get more details.
Work @ Calvary
Part-Time Positions Open
Calvary is looking for two people to join our staff team. We need a part-time receptionist to help make our church a welcoming place and a part-time custodial support person to care for our facility. See our job openings page for position descriptions and application details.
Child Dedication
Regiser by 5.8
Children are part of the church family right from the start. Learn more about our Child Dedication ceremony on Mother's Day and how the church partners with families to provide support and encouragement. A Child Dedication class on Wednesday 5.3 or Sunday 5.7 will tell you even more.
Family Worship Night
Friday 4.21
Meet in the Worship Center at 5:45p for lively, kid-friendly worship and then enjoy fun activities throughout the church building. Plus we're collecting sun protection items for kids served by Every Child Ministries in Uganda: lip balm, sunscreen, child-sized sunglasses, and wide-brimmed hats.