When I see people getting connected to new friends in the community, I just love it. Over the weekend our church set a new record with more than 150 new people signing up for Life Groups. Wow! What excites me the most is the life change that will happen because of friendships!
Speaking of something else I love - this Sunday I'm opening the Word to preach a brand new series. Jonah: A Story of Outrageous Grace - starts THIS Sunday. Get ready for an awesome worship experience, and come ready to have your life changed.
And... I just love being your pastor. Thank you for serving, giving, and praying to help us spread the Word throughout NWI and the World.
What's new at Calvary...
Calvary Serves
One of the ways the gospel is demonstrated visibly is by the church getting out to serve those who are in great need. Join us on Saturday, 10.4 starting at 9a to take on "redemptive" projects around our community. We will partner with ministries in town as well as schools to bless those in need because we have a Savior who has blessed us! Take a look at the projects available here and sign-up online or this Sunday morning in the church foyer.
Financial Peace
Calvary will be offering a Financial Peace University Workshop on Wednesday evenings this fall! John Matthiesen, CPA will be leading this Dave Ramsey Course each week to teach your family how to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and build wealth. Join us on Wednesday evenings from 6-8p in Room 300 starting 9.24-11.19.
Calvary Kids
Our Calvary Kids Christmas Musical team would like to invite all K-5th graders (and parents) to come sign-up and learn more about this year’s program this Sunday, 9.21 from 3-4:30p in Room 300. Contact our Calvary Kids Director, Natalie Lee for more information or if you are unable to sign-up on Sunday afternoon. Please note, practices are held each Sunday from 3-4:30p. Dress rehearsals will be Friday, 12.12 and Saturday, 12.13 at 4p, and the performance is Saturday, 12.14 at 6p!
Student Ministries
Calvary Student Ministries' first series of the semester will begin THIS Sunday, 9.21. Middle school will meet 4:30-6p, and high school will meet 6:30-8p. We can't wait to see you!
A celebration of all things fall will take place on Saturday, 9.27 at Sunset Hill Farm Park. Middle school and high school students are invited to bring a friend and hang out, play games, have fall snacks, and attend an awesome bonfire! All students are welcome between 6-8p.
For more news and updates about Student Ministries, you can sign-up for the brand new weekly Student Link e-newsletter. These will include notes from the Student Ministries team, ways to stay connected, and details on our upcoming events. To sign-up, email megan@calvaryweb.net.
Starting Point
What does Calvary believe, where is it headed, and why is this important? For those who are considering Calvary as their home church, Starting Point is designed to not only provide important information but also to begin connecting you with others around tables in a highly interactive format. The next Starting Point begins Sunday, 10.12 at 11:15a and lasts three weeks. Sign-up at the Guest Services Desk on Sunday or online here.
Starting Point for Kids
Starting Point for Kids (for kids 8-12) focuses on God’s character, salvation, baptism, and following God’s plan. This is a terrific course for those children interested in being baptized, as well as for those desiring a solid foundation on each week’s topics. This 4-week course meets at 9:45a each Sunday starting 9.5 thru 10.26. Please click here to register your child by email (please include name, grade, and age of child) or stop by the Children's Welcome Center this Sunday to register. Space is limited. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend the class with their children.
Men's Ministries
Men's Ministries will be offering a study of the book, The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge. This study will be held in The Well at Calvary on Mondays, 9.22-11.17. Click here for all the details!
In November, we will be sending a group of 21 women from Calvary to serve at the Kids Alive Oasis Home in Guatemala. We are working with our partners at the Oasis to host a retreat for the staff as well as activities for the girls. Please pray for the team as we prepare for this mission. If you would like to learn more or donate to the team's expenses, you may do so here.