At Calvary, we believe that nothing changes lives like the gospel. Spreading the gospel and seeing more lives changed is the reason behind everything we do here, including recording a live album. I love the words of the psalmist when he tells us to sing a new song to God: "Sing to the Lord, praise his name, proclaim his salvation day after day" (Psalm 96:2). This album is all about proclaiming God's salvation with old and new songs.
The worship team has been working hard to prepare for the CalvaryLIVE Recording Event coming up next Friday, January 22. We can't wait to gather together to sing to the Lord with the Calvary community! There is still some room left so grab a ticket (the ticketing link is on the Recording Event webpage). The event is free, but your ticket will get you access to song lyrics and demo tracks so you can start learning the music. We don't need professional singers; we just desire to fill the house with praise!
I always anticipate Sundays when our church house fills up with the people of God standing in the presence of God to declare the praises of God! This week, Pastor Lionel continues our series in Colossians and shares what Paul has to say about living before the Audience of One at work. See you there!
What's New at Calvary...
One of the best ways to get connected at Calvary Church is through Life Groups, our small group ministry. And we make it as easy as possible to link in. This Sunday, 1.17 from 12:30-2p is GroupLink, an informal lunch gathering in the gym. At GroupLink you will meet other people who want to be part of a smaller community within the church learning and growing together. Get more information and sign-up online at the GroupLink event page.
Preschool Open House
Attention parents of 4 & 5 year olds: Between services on Sunday, 1.24, bring your child(ren) to the gym and check out our new set for Sunday mornings. Kids will love discovering areas for Play Time, Large Group (story and worship), and Small Group (craft and snack). The "Big God Story" and Jesus-centered teaching will still be the focus of our program as we use these new sets to teach and encourage your kids in the gospel!
40 Volunteer Challenge
Children's Ministries is counting down to the opening of our new 4/5s and nursery classrooms! We need 40 volunteers to help in these classroom on Sunday mornings. It only takes a few hours a month to make a difference in the life of a child! Contact Victoria Evans-Peasley to take the challenge and join Children's Ministries.
Calvary Missions Trips 2016
MEN'S KENYA TRIP Men interested in the August 2-13 trip to Kenya are invited to attend an information meeting during second service (9:45a) this Sunday, 1.17. Meet with trip leader, John Szabo, in room 108/109. Note that trip applications are due 1.31. Get application packets and more information on the men's trip, as well as information about the women's trip to Guatemala in October, on the Global Outreach "Serve the World" webpage.
IF:Valparaiso Simulcast is a simulcast gathering that brings together women from around the world. On Friday evening, 2.6, and Saturday, 2.7, the IF:Gathering encourages women to look to Jesus, our example of what it means to live in the fullness of grace and truth, even as it feels like the world is crumbling around us. Let's not shrink back. Instead, let's love like Jesus loved, serve like Jesus served, pray like Jesus prayed, and pursue holiness like Jesus pursued it. Get tickets and info online at the IF:Valparaiso event page.
Calvary Men's First Thursday Gathering
Calvary Men gather for dinner on the first Thursday of the month. Catch up with the guys at Hunter's Brewery in Chesterton on 2.4 @ 7p. No RSVP needed. Just show up for some food, drink, and time to enjoy life together.
Starting Point Membership Session
Starting Point provides important information about Calvary's values and vision. It's the perfect...well, starting point for people considering making Calvary their church home. The session meets for 3 consecutive Sundays in February beginning 2.7 from 11:15a-12:15p in room 403. Or pack all of Starting Point into a single turbo session on Saturday, 2.27, from 8:30a-12p in the Well. Sign-up online for Starting Point or Starting Point TURBO.
Calvary Worship and Event Cancellations
When Sunday morning worship or a church event must be cancelled or delayed due to inclement weather, look for updates at and the Calvary Church Facebook page.