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Calvary Link: Sleep In Sunday 2015

Calvary-Link-Old-and-NewYes, that's what I call it. Sleep-in Sunday. LOL! Everybody gets to sleep in one hour. Although this could be a great Sunday for some of you to consider coming to the early service at 8:15a. While we are in the planning and praying stages of our expansion project, we are doing our best to fit everyone into 3 services. The 9:45a service is completely full, but we have some space in the 8:15a or the 11:15a! Thank you all for your patience while we pray and prepare to expand our place of worship!

Whatever service you attend Sunday, I'll look forward to seeing you there. We have something for everyone on Sunday mornings and throughout the week too. If you haven't looked at the events calendar on our website, take a moment to peruse the many programs and gatherings we offer to connect you to the Calvary community. The first three Sundays in November are an especially rich time for families as we focus on strengthening families and making sure everyone has a place to worship at Calvary. From Rooted with Pastor Jon Nitta to Parent Sunday with Pastor Josh Reasoner to the always-awesome quarterly Family Fun Night, we want to help your family worship, have fun, serve others, and grow together!

Speaking of family, I'm excited to gather with my church family this Sunday. Get some extra sleep and then join me for worship!

What's New at Calvary...

Coffee With the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee With the Pastors on Sunday, 11.1, from 6:30 - 8p at The South Bend Chocolate Café. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP here.

Emily Freeman is Coming!
Author and speaker Emily Freeman will visit Calvary on November 7! Ladies, arrive at 9a for a morning of worship with Kurt Felsman followed by teaching and encouragement from Emily. Connect with girlfriends and new friends over brunch, relax, and worship at this special women-only event. Advance tickets are available for only 5 more days! Get event details and ticket info HERE.

Enjoying Worship With the Whole Family
Calvary already offers first-class childcare and Sunday morning worship for kids. Now we're excited to introduce two more ways your family can enjoy worship!

The Nursing Mothers Room, located in the north worship center hallway (room 110), is private place for moms caring for their little ones. All three services play in real time on the in-room TV so you don't miss a moment.

The Family Overflow Room, located across from the worship center, is just right for parents caring for a young child who might be feeling noisy or fussy. Be part of the worship service (all three services play in real time on a large screen) while giving your child the attention and wiggle-room he or she needs.

Rooted: Strengthening Families
Calvary is committed to building strong families! We have lots of great family events in November beginning with Rooted this Sunday, 11.1. Calvary's disciple-making class is offering a mini-course on Strengthening Families at 9:30a in room 403. Join Pastor Jon on 11.1 and Pastor Josh on 11.15 to talk about how the gospel both guides and helps families. Rooted brackets Children's Ministries Parent Sunday on 11.8 to make a powerful 3-Sunday family-focused event.

Parent Sunday
On Parent Sunday, 11.8 at 9:45a, parents and caregivers are invited to hear how Children's Ministries can partner with you to influence your kids for eternity. Drop your child(ren) off at the regular classroom then join Pastor Josh in The Well. When the kids show up for their large group worship time, get in on this unique worship experience with your child--sing, play games, and listen to the gospel presented in a dynamic way! All the details are HERE.

Family Fun Night: Calvary Gives
It's Family Fun Night...with a purpose! First the fun: bring friends and neighbors to Calvary on Saturday, 11.14, from 4p - 6p for fun-filled night of games, laser tag, and bounce houses. Plus don't miss roving magician, Johnny Magic! Then the purpose: bring a donated meal--canned vegetable, boxed stuffing, boxed dessert, and canned or boxed potato and a packet of gravy--for families in need this Thanksgiving season. For more details or to donate now, click HERE. See you there!

College Lunch Gathering
Lunch is on us! Get to know other college students and grow deeper together at a lunch gathering THIS Sunday, 11.1 from 12:30p - 2:00p. Meet in room 403 after the third service.

Prayer Warriors Needed
God, what would you have us do? This fall, we are entering a season of prayer as we ask God to continue to bless our church and to show us what He would have us do in the months and years ahead. One of the first things we're doing is initiating a prayer gathering on Sunday mornings. Join Dan and Candie Blankenburg every Sunday in the church conference room at 9:45a. Come and pray for our church; we need you!

Job Opening
Calvary is seeking a part-time accounting manager/bookkeeper. If you are a Calvary member (or are pursuing membership), have a strong accounting background, practical experience in fund-based accounting and account reconciliation, and a rock-solid commitment to confidentiality, we'd like to talk to you about being part of our staff team. Submit a resume and cover letter to Lori Coslet.