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Calvary Link: Stay Encouraged

Calvary-Link-Old-and-NewAs I said in the exposition on Sunday, the year 2016 is bound to bring both good and bad times. Whether we're rejoicing or mourning, God has given us a means of grace to sustain us and build us up--community! If you haven't already joined a Life Group, make this the year you dive in. (GroupLink is coming up on Sunday, 1.17!) It's in community that we "spur one another on toward love and good deeds" and encourage each other (Hebrews 10:24-25).

The Calvary community gathers on the first day of the week every week. Make worship a priority so that you are always in a place where God is glorified and you are loved. God made us for community, and through Christ we are connected to one another.

At this Sunday's community gathering, I will update you on how we did with our year end giving initiative. I can't wait to share with you how our church is reaching out to others! Pray with me this year that as we give, God will do more than all we ask or imagine. You can always see how we're doing by looking at the giving section of this weekly email or the Sunday bulletin.

What's New at Calvary...

Coffee With the Pastors
Calvary guests are invited to Coffee With the Pastors on Sunday, 1.10, from 6:30 - 8p at The South Bend Chocolate Café. Learn about Calvary's values and vision, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the pastoral staff in a casual environment. We would love to meet you! RSVP online or at Guest Services on Sunday.

One of the best ways to get connected at Calvary Church is through Life Groups, our small group ministry. And we make it as easy as possible to link in. GroupLink is an informal lunch gathering where you can meet other people who want to be part of a smaller community within the church learning and growing together. The winter GroupLink is 1.17 from 12:30-2p in the gym. Get more information and sign-up online at the GroupLink event page or at Guest Services on Sundays.

CalvaryLIVE Recording Event
Have you ever wanted to sing on an album? Or maybe you just love to sing for the glory of God and the enjoyment of others? The CalvaryLIVE worship team is recording its second live album on Friday, 1.22 @ 7p. Be part of the crowd providing background vocals. Check out the CalvaryLIVE Recording Event info page where you'll find a link to get tickets. Your ticket gets you access to song demos and lyrics so you can learn the music for recording night.

Calvary Missions Trips 2016
Men interested in the August 2-13 trip to Kenya are invited to attend a information meeting during second service (9:45a) on Sunday, 1.17. Meet with trip leader, John Szabo, in room 108/109. Note that trip applications are due 1.31.

Applications for the July 6-13 student missions trip to Guatemala are due next Wednesday, 1.13. Contact trip leader, Becky Gualandi (becky@calvaryweb.net), for more details.

More details to come on the October 8-16 women's trip to Guatemala. Trip applications are due 2.29, and interested women are encouraged to contact trip leader, Lynette Green (lynette@calvaryweb.net) with questions.

Get more information and application packets on the Global Outreach "Serve the World" webpage.

40 Volunteer Challenge
Children's Ministries is counting down to the opening of our new 4/5s and nursery classrooms! We need 40 volunteers to help in these classroom on Sunday mornings. It only takes a few hours a month to make a difference in the life of a child! Contact Victoria Evans-Peasley to take the challenge and join Children's Ministries.

New Children's Ministries Volunteer Training
Are you a new Children's Ministries volunteer or nursery childcare worker? Or are you a seasoned volunteer who would like a refresher on CM policies and procedures? Get up-to-date at the New Volunteer Training this Sunday, 1.10, from 8:15a to 9:30a in room 300. Parents who would like to learn more about how we keep your kids safe are also welcome to attend! RSVP and get more information at our online event listing.

Calvary Women Winter Bible Studies
Get into God's Word with Calvary Women beginning January 11. Join a morning or evening Bible study and dig into Scripture and great devotional content. We're offering options to suit every schedule and situation, including once-a-month studies for working moms and young marrieds.

Monday at 6:30p Passion Pursuit
Monday at 6:30p She Reads Truth: Open Your Bible
Tuesday at 9:30a She Reads Truth: Open Your Bible
2nd Thursdays at 7p Five Love Languages of Children (working moms)
2nd Thursdays at 7p Now You're Speaking My Language (young marrieds)

Childcare is available on Tuesday morning by reservation only. Get more information and register online or in the foyer between services on Sunday, 1.10.

Calvary Students Winter Kickoff
Calvary Students kick off a new semester on 1.10! Large Group for middle schoolers begins at 4p and for high schoolers at 6:30p. See you then!

IF: Valparaiso Simulcast
IF: Valparaiso is a simulcast gathering that brings together women from around the world. On Friday evening, 2.6, and Saturday, 2.7, the IF:Gathering encourages women to look to Jesus, our example of what it means to live in the fullness of grace and truth, even as it feels like the world is crumbling around us. Let's not shrink back. Instead, let's love like Jesus loved, serve like Jesus served, pray like Jesus prayed, and pursue holiness like Jesus pursued it. Get tickets and info online at the IF: Valparaiso event page.

Young Adult Gathering
This relaxed evening full of food and discussion is hosted by Pastor Jon Nitta for young adults between 21 and 35. It's a great opportunity to grow spiritually and to meet new people. Please join us in the Well this Friday, 1.8, from 7-9p.