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Calvary Link: Staying Focused

Calvary-Link-Even-MoreA mentor once said to me, "Lionel, if you don't figure out what God has called you to do, you will end up doing things people call you to do." Boy, was he right! As your pastor, I am invited to be involved in all kinds of things, but I have tried to stay focused on the most important things: preaching the Word, protecting the flock, and proclaiming the gospel to the ends of the earth.

There are a lot of causes in our world that will make a difference for a few months or a few years. The cause of the gospel will change lives forever. That's why I'm so focused on it! This Sunday I will be inviting our entire congregation to join me in being part of something really, really big. It is the dream of reaching even more men, women, boys, and girls with the gospel message that will change their lives forever. There is no cause greater than this.

We are packing a lot into this Sunday morning. We will worship, I will open and expound the Word (we've got a great passage in Acts 7), and I will take some time to share my heart with everyone about our exciting future. We are praying for God to use us to change EVEN MORE lives forever.

What's New at Calvary...

Child Dedication
When your family grows, our church family grows! We hold a child dedication ceremony during all three services on Mother's Day each year. We would love to pray with your family on Sunday 5.8. Parents are encouraged to attend a child dedication class on Sunday 5.1. Register on the Child Dedication page of our website.

Even More Prayer
"In the beginning, God created..." We serve a God who is the author of true creativity. We want to faithfully steward that same creative spirit as we move forward with our Even More generosity initiative. Would you join us in praying that God would fill our team of builders and designers with creative solutions that honor Him and bless us? See all 5 prayer goals and get more information on the Even More webpage.

Short Term Mission Trips
Calvary is sending out 5 short-term mission teams this year! Learn more about their plans and how you can pray for the teams, plus give to the trip(s) of your choice, on the Global Outreach Serve the World page.

Kids Summer Camp
Calvary Kids entering 3rd-6th grade can register for Miracle Camp this summer at www.miraclecamp.com. For more information, pick up a Calvary Summer Camp 2016 brochure at Guest Services or visit our summer camp info page.

Calvary will provide transportation for the following camp weeks: June 19-25 (5th-6th graders) and July 6-9 (3rd-4th graders). RSVP is required for transportation. Drop a line to Jen Martakis (jen@calvaryweb.net) to secure your child's spot.

Coffee With the Pastors
Visitors to Calvary are invited to meet our pastors and ministry leaders on Sunday 5.15. This is a casual, relaxed evening where we invite you to ask questions and get to know the church staff. Join us at Calvary (NEW location!) from 6:30-8p for a cup of coffee, tasty desserts, and a chance to meet others who are new to Calvary.

Starting Point Membership Class
Starting Point provides important information for those considering making Calvary their home church. Plus you'll have a chance to connect with others in this highly interactive class. Starting Point meets three consecutive Wednesdays beginning 5.18 from 6:30-8p in room 403.

Calvary Serves: Submit a Project
If you have a neighbor who needs help with some basic home repairs or outdoor clean-up, email julie@calvaryweb.net or complete a request form at Guest Services. We'll send out as many teams as we can to meet these community needs!