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Calvary Link: The Bitter Preacher

Calvary-Link-Old-and-NewJonah was a bitter preacher. He was "saved" by God's grace. But when it came to showing grace to others, he just couldn't do it. In fact, he was outraged over God's grace. Don't miss week three of Jonah this Sunday! I am going to give you some real help from God's Word on how to deal with bitterness.

This Saturday morning I will be at the church at 8a to participate in Calvary Serves! We just want to bless some of our local ministry partners, and would love to have you join us. You can sign-up online, or just show up and we will put you to work for as much time as you can spare this Saturday.

When you pause to pray today would you remember our church-planting pastor in Liberia (Pastor Collins) who has asked us to pray for him and his family during the Ebola Crisis? He wants us to pray for their protection and for the spread of the Gospel in a place where people are desperate for hope. Also pray for several families in our church who lost loved ones over the past few days, including the Batey Family, the Wilson Family, and the VanNoort Family.

What's New at Calvary

Calvary Serves
One of the ways the gospel is demonstrated visibly is by the church getting out to serve those who are in great need. Join us THIS Saturday, 10.4 at 8:15a to take on "redemptive" projects around our community. We will partner with ministries in town as well as schools to bless those in need because we have a Savior who has blessed us! Take a look at the projects available here and sign-up online today.

Rooted with Pastor Jon Nitta
Come check out our discipleship course, Rooted, on Sundays at 9:30a. For the month of October, we will focus on How to Develop a Consistent Devotional Life. Want to get rooted in your faith? Join Pastor Jon Nitta in room 403 each week for Rooted!

Starting Point Membership Class
What does Calvary believe, where is it headed, and why is this important? For those who are considering Calvary as their home church, Starting Point is designed to not only provide important information but also to begin connecting you with others around tables in a highly interactive format. The next Starting Point begins Sunday, 10.12 at 11:15a and lasts three weeks. Sign-up at the Guest Services Desk on Sunday or online here.

Starting Point for Kids
Starting Point for Kids (for kids 8-12) focuses on God's character, salvation, baptism, and following God's plan. This is a terrific course for those children interested in being baptized, as well as for those desiring a solid foundation on each week's topics. This 4-week course meets at 9:45a each Sunday starting 10.5 thru 10.26. Please click here to register your child by email (please include name, grade, and age of child) or stop by the Children's Welcome Center this Sunday to register. Space is limited. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the class with their children.

Student Ministries
Student Ministries will be participating in Calvary Serves by working at Parkview Elementary School to make it an even better place to learn and grow. We will meet at Calvary at 8a on Saturday, 10.4. Please bring a water bottle and gloves to work in. Remember to dress for the weather. We plan to have an awesome day of fun and service together!

Both high school and middle school students are invited to attend an awesome overnight conference on Friday and Saturday, 10.24-25. Acquire the Fire includes fantastic speakers, musicians, breakout sessions, and a challenge to live out a faith on fire!

Women's Ministries
Women's Christmas Lunch: Does setting a beautiful table sound like your idea of fun? Or, do you have the gift of social interaction but the idea of arranging a centerpiece is not your cup of tea? We are currently in need of women to volunteer as Table Designers and/or Table Hostesses for our Christmas Lunch on 12.6. Click here for more information and to sign-up!