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Calvary Link: The Cubs and Worship

Calvary-Link-Set-FreeIf you want to see worship, go to a Cubs game. People are cheering, clapping, shouting, responding, and giving (lots of money) all in adoration of the Chicago Cubs. I will admit, I'm one of those fans. I love baseball. I love the rhythm of the game, which leaves time to talk with a friend sitting next to you in the stands or to read a book with a game on the television. (Some call it boring; I call it relaxing.) I love the beauty of the ballpark, a perfectly landscaped "garden of Eden" wrapped in the sights and sounds of the city. I love being around an excited "cloud of witnesses," all watching and cheering the most amazing athletes in the world.

There is something that surpasses baseball and gets me more excited than anything else. The God of all glory, who gave us Christ and everything seen and unseen in this world. That's why I am a tireless and passionate promoter of worship! The most important thing I do as your pastor is cheer us on to worship the greatest being in the universe! He gave us life and breath and everything else, even baseball (Acts 17:25). C. S. Lewis said, "the world rings with praise," and then he pointed to the Creator and said, "The worthier the object, the greater the delight."

Enjoy all the gifts God has given you—changing fall colors, baseball, warm coffee, time with friends. But make worship the greatest priority of your life. Let's bring cheering, clapping, shouting, and giving to the God who has given us everything. And let's bring it with great delight!

PS I know there are a few people who want to know what I think about the election. I wrote a blog post just for you. I hope it encourages and blesses you!

Even More
This Weekend
Demolition begins this Friday in the future Life Change Center! There are shifts Friday (2-7p), Saturday (10a-3p), and Sunday (1-5p). Call (219.462.4026) or email Donna to sign-up for a shift.

Short Term Mission Trips
Serve alongside some of our global partners on a mission trip in 2017. The open application period for the Teacher Trip to Uganda begins 11.1. Details on all the 2017 trips, including application dates, are on the Global Outreach webpage.

Friday 10.21 at 7p
Susie's Cafe, Valpo

RSVP to join other Calvary Women 50+ for an IF:Table, a place where women gather, share a simple meal, and dive deep with other women over real stories and Christ-centered conversations.

Men's Gathering
Thursday 11.3 at 7p
Wings Etc., Valpo

It's First Thursday and the guys are getting together. No RSVP needed for this informal, monthly drop-in gathering at area restaurants. Join us to catch up with old friends and meet new ones.