Last Sunday someone said to me, "I think we need an overflow room for our overflow room!" We are rejoicing that God is growing His church and being crowded is a problem we'll gladly live with if it means more lives are being changed! Lately, we are out of room at the 9:45a service, the one guests are most likely to attend, so a BIG thank you to those of you who come to our early service to make room in our later worship services.
Shifting people to the early service isn't a long-term solution though. Our vision is to make room for EVEN MORE people in our church community. On Sunday, March 6, we will share how those plans will come to fruition over the next several months. There won't be many surprises because you have already given us so much amazing input, but there will be a few so mark March 6 on your calendar! Isn't it awesome to be part of a church that is growing because the Word is spreading? Let's give God praise.
This Sunday, I will wrap up the book of Colossians and tell you about our next verse-by-verse series in the most interesting book ever written.
What's New at Calvary...
IF:Valparaiso Simulcast
IF:Valparaiso is a simulcast gathering that brings together women from around the world. On Friday evening, 2.5, and Saturday, 2.6, the IF:Gathering encourages women to look to Jesus, the example of what it means to live in the fullness of grace and truth. Get tickets and info online at the IF:Valparaiso event page.
20 Volunteer Challenge
We started a challenge to draw 50 new volunteers into Children's Ministries. We still need 20 people to help in the new 4/5s and nursery classrooms on Sunday mornings. Contact Victoria Evans-Peasley to find out how serving kids and their families can fit into your schedule and change your life.
Starting Point Membership Session
Starting Point offers important information about Calvary's values and vision. It's the perfect...well, starting point for people considering making Calvary their church home. The session meets for 3 consecutive Sundays in February beginning 2.7 from 11:15a-12:15p in room 403. Or pack all of Starting Point into a single turbo session on Saturday, 2.27, from 8:30a-12p in the Well. Sign-up online for Starting Point or Starting Point TURBO.
Calvary Mission Trips 2016
Applications to join the Calvary men's mission trip to Kenya in August are due 1.31! Get application packets and more information on the Global Outreach "Serve the World" webpage. The application period for the women's trip to Guatemala in October is also still open.
Future Leaders Program
Applications are being accepted for Calvary's Future Leaders Program. This program provides internship opportunities that give students a quality, hands-on ministry/work experience. For more information or to apply for the summer session, visit the Future Leaders Program webpage.
Calvary Men's First Thursdays Gathering
Calvary Men gather for dinner on the first Thursday of the month. There has been a venue change for this month. Catch up with the guys at The Market (in the old Strongbow's building) in Valpo on 2.4 @ 7p. No RSVP needed. Just show up for some food, drink, and time to enjoy life together.
Calvary Men at the ARC
Guys, come on out for the VU vs. Northern Kentucky game on Thursday, 2.11. For $10, get food, great basketball action, and camaraderie. We'll meet in the McGill Room at the ARC at 6p to eat. Game starts at 7p. Click the link above for info on game day vouchers.
Save the Date: Easter is Early!
Save the date Sunday, March 27! Easter comes early this year, and right after Spring Break. Plan to be back in time to celebrate the risen Savior with your Calvary family!